Find duplicated word in string and in which two positions it appears


I am fighting a bit with this problem. I want to write a code, which will find a duplicate word in a string from an input and print that word. Along with the word I also want to print the word positions in the given string.

This is my code so far, but on the output I still get the word repeated. Any ideas how to fix it?

Input: juice bread tea water apple tea carrot coconut

Output – desired: tea 1 4

string = str(input())

string_list = string.split(' ')

for j in range(len(string_list)):
    duplicate = string_list.count(string_list[j])

    if duplicate > 1: 
        print((string_list[j]), (j), end=' ')

Output – current: tea 2 tea 5

Asked By: Badgerator



string = str(input())

string_list = string.split(' ')
duplicates = [word for word in string_list if string_list.count(word) > 1]
unique_duplicates = list(set(duplicates))

occurences = list()
for index, elem in enumerate(string_list):
    if elem == unique_duplicates[0]:

print(f"{unique_duplicates[0]} {occurences[0]} {occurences[1]}")
Answered By: mlokos

I want to write a code, which will find a duplicate word in a string from an input and print that word. Along with the word I also want to print the word positions in the given string.

Try the below

from collections import defaultdict

data = defaultdict(list)
_input = 'juice bread tea water apple tea carrot coconut'
words = _input.split(' ')
for idx, word in enumerate(words):
for word, index_list in data.items():
    if len(index_list) > 1:
        print(f'{word} -> {index_list}')


tea -> [2, 5]
Answered By: balderman

Assuming there’s always exactly one duplicated word, you can simply break the loop when you find it, then get the index of its next occurrence in the list.

def find_duplicate_word(string):
    words = string.split(' ')
    for first_occ, word in enumerate(words):
        if words.count(word) > 1:
    second_occ = words.index(word, first_occ+1)
    return word, first_occ, second_occ

result = find_duplicate_word('juice bread tea water apple tea carrot coconut')
print(*result)  # -> tea 2 5

Note that words.count() has to do a search on every loop, which is fine for small inputs, but for bigger inputs, I’d use something more like balderman’s answer, with defaultdict(list). That would bring the solution from O(n^2) to O(n). Plus it’d work if the number of duplicates is not always one.

Answered By: wjandrea

the task can be done also in this way:

txt = 'bread tea water apple tea carrot coconut juice'.split()
seen = []
for word in txt:
    if txt.count(word) > 1 and word not in seen:
        print(word, *[ind for ind, i in enumerate(txt) if i == word])
Answered By: lroth
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