Extract certain dataframes of lists of dataframes


I have a list of dataframes. Each is build up as followed:

No i want to extract the dataframes beginning at a certain time.

for i in range(len(subdfs)):
   if any(subdfs[i]['Zeitpunkt'][subdfs[i]['Zeitpunkt'].dt.hour.eq(12)]):

With this code i am able to extract every dataframe where the hour 12 appears. But i only want the dataframes where the hour 12 is in the first row.

Asked By: luscgu00




Collection = [subdf for subdf in subdfs if subdf.iloc[0, subdf.columns.get_loc('Zeitpunkt')].hour == 12]
Answered By: Nuri Taş

It worked with:

Collection = [subdfs for subdfs in subdfs if subdfs.iloc[0, 1].hour == 12]
Answered By: luscgu00
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