How do I split a string in a pandas dataframe and convert the remaining to datetime format?


I have a column in my pandas dataframe which has rows containing the below:


I would like to split it and keep only the date element and convert the string to a date format:


I have tried to use split string but I am unable to get to the final stage of then converting to a date format.

Thank you!

Asked By: Chetan Patel



convert the date using pd.datatime and then format the date

Answered By: Naveed

Don’t, split. Convert to_datetime and export to the desired format directly with strftime:

df['new'] = pd.to_datetime(df['col']).dt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')


                             col         new
0  2021-01-04T23:00:00.000+00:00  04/01/2021
Answered By: mozway