How to quickly flatten nested list of dictionaries with more nested list of dicts inside of df column?


Sample of my data:

        "id": "0001",
        "sport_key": "americanfootball_nfl",
        "sport_title": "NFL",
        "commence_time": "2022-10-28T00:15:00Z",
        "home_team": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers",
        "away_team": "Baltimore Ravens",
        "bookmakers": [
                "key": "betonlineag",
                "title": "",
                "last_update": "2022-10-26T00:34:17Z",
                "markets": [
                        "key": "h2h",
                        "outcomes": [
                                "name": "Baltimore Ravens",
                                "price": 1.8
                                "name": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers",
                                "price": 2.04
                "key": "fanduel",
                "title": "FanDuel",
                "last_update": "2022-10-26T00:34:30Z",
                "markets": [
                        "key": "h2h",
                        "outcomes": [
                                "name": "Baltimore Ravens",
                                "price": 1.85
                                "name": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers",
                                "price": 2.0
        "id": "0002",
        "sport_key": "americanfootball_nfl",
        "sport_title": "NFL",
        "commence_time": "2022-10-30T13:30:00Z",
        "home_team": "Jacksonville Jaguars",
        "away_team": "Denver Broncos",
        "bookmakers": [
                "key": "betonlineag",
                "title": "",
                "last_update": "2022-10-26T00:34:17Z",
                "markets": [
                        "key": "h2h",
                        "outcomes": [
                                "name": "Denver Broncos",
                                "price": 2.2
                                "name": "Jacksonville Jaguars",
                                "price": 1.71
                "key": "betrivers",
                "title": "BetRivers",
                "last_update": "2022-10-26T00:34:31Z",
                "markets": [
                        "key": "h2h",
                        "outcomes": [
                                "name": "Denver Broncos",
                                "price": 2.26
                                "name": "Jacksonville Jaguars",
                                "price": 1.7

I would like for my data to look like this:

id sport_title home_team away_team bookmaker_name market_type home_team_odds away_team_odds
0001 NFL Tampa Bay Buccaneers Baltimore Ravens belonlineag h2h 2.04 1.8
0001 NFL Tampa Bay Buccaneers Baltimore Ravens fanduel h2h 2.0 1.85
0002 NFL Jacksonville Jaguars Denver Broncos betonlineag h2h 1.71 2.2
0002 NFL Jacksonville Jaguars Denver Broncos betrivers h2h 1.7 2.26

What’s tripping me up is that I don’t know how to efficiently unpack the list of dictionaries and keep the data I want in a row.

Asked By: Mofongo



Let’s use pd.json_normalize

df = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path =['bookmakers', 'markets'],
                       meta=['id', 'sport_title', 'home_team', 'away_team', ['bookmakers', 'key']])
df = (df.assign(home_team_odds=df['outcomes'].str[1].str['price'],
      .rename(columns={'bookmakers.key': 'bookmaker_name', 'key': 'market_type'})

  market_type    id sport_title             home_team         away_team bookmaker_name  home_team_odds  away_team_odds
0         h2h  0001         NFL  Tampa Bay Buccaneers  Baltimore Ravens    betonlineag            2.04            1.80
1         h2h  0001         NFL  Tampa Bay Buccaneers  Baltimore Ravens        fanduel            2.00            1.85
2         h2h  0002         NFL  Jacksonville Jaguars    Denver Broncos    betonlineag            1.71            2.20
3         h2h  0002         NFL  Jacksonville Jaguars    Denver Broncos      betrivers            1.70            2.26
Answered By: Ynjxsjmh

Slightly different way.

df = pd.json_normalize(
    record_path=["bookmakers", "markets", "outcomes"],
    meta=["id", "sport_title", "home_team", "away_team", ["markets", "key"], ["markets", "outcomes", "key"]],
).rename(columns={"markets.key": "bookmaker_name", "markets.outcomes.key": "market_type"})

df.columns = df.columns.str.split(".").str[-1]

df = df.assign(
    home_team_odds=np.where(df["home_team"].eq(df["name"]), df["price"], ""),
    away_team_odds=np.where(df["away_team"].eq(df["name"]), df["price"], "")
).drop(columns=["name", "price"])

df = df.groupby(
    ["id", "sport_title", "home_team", "away_team", "bookmaker_name", "market_type"]
).agg({"home_team_odds": "last", "away_team_odds": "first"}).reset_index()


     id sport_title             home_team         away_team bookmaker_name market_type home_team_odds away_team_odds
0  0001         NFL  Tampa Bay Buccaneers  Baltimore Ravens    betonlineag         h2h           2.04            1.8
1  0001         NFL  Tampa Bay Buccaneers  Baltimore Ravens        fanduel         h2h            2.0           1.85
2  0002         NFL  Jacksonville Jaguars    Denver Broncos    betonlineag         h2h           1.71            2.2
3  0002         NFL  Jacksonville Jaguars    Denver Broncos      betrivers         h2h            1.7           2.26
Answered By: Jason Baker
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