How can I get a discord bot to send a message if a command is said?


I’m making a discord bot using Python but none of the commands that should be running are running. I’ve traced it down to the if command below:

  if message.content.startswith("$hello"): # <<<<<< This command is causing issues!
    print("Command detected: $hello")
    await'Hello there! I am a bot. Thats it.')

$hello is supposed to say in the chat "Hello there! I am a bot. Thats it."
However, the if command doesnt work, and even if $hello is said, it doesn’t run what it is supposed to.

Here is the entire code itself:

import discord
import os

client = discord.Client(intents=discord.Intents(messages=True))

async def on_ready():
  print('Logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))

async def on_message(message):
  print("Message detected.")
  if == client.user:
  print("User message confirmed to not be a bot.")
  if message.content.startswith("$hello"): #<<< This is causing issues!
    print("Command detected: $hello")
    await'Hello there! I am a bot. Thats it.')

# imagine there is a run command here, with the token
# im not putting it here since its a security risk
# the run bot command works

I’ve tried using different types of commands, like startswith and == contains but it doesn’t print the hello message. Anyone got any idea how to get it working?

Asked By: donut28



import discord
import os
#make sure to set up your command syntax and set your intents so the bot can read messages
client= commands.Bot(command_prefix='$', intents=discord.Intents.default())

#don't use on_message for commands, it's gonna cause problems.
#instead, use the command funtion here
async def command(ctx):"command is working!")"token")
``` that should work 
Answered By: Sean Gilbert

Intents.messages is not the same as Intents.message_content!


Whether guild and direct message related events are enabled.

This is a shortcut to set or get both guild_messages and dm_messages.


Whether message content, attachments, embeds and components will be available in messages

You’re missing message_content.

Answered By: stijndcl
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