How to filter empty values from a column of Python Polars Dataframe?


I have a python polars dataframe as-

df_pol = pl.DataFrame({'test_names':[['Mallesham','','Bhavik','Jagarini','Jose','Fernando'],

I would like to get a count of elements from each list in test_names field not considering the empty values.


enter image description here

Here it is considering empty strings into count, this is why we can see 6 names in list-2. actually it has only two names.

required output as:

enter image description here

Asked By: myamulla_ciencia



You can use arr.eval to run any polars expression on the list’s elements. In an arr.eval expression, you can pl.element() to refer to the lists element and then apply an expression.

Next we simply use a filter expression to prune the values we don’t need.

df = pl.DataFrame({

    pl.col("test_names").arr.eval(pl.element().filter(pl.element() != ""))
shape: (2, 1)
│ test_names                          │
│ ---                                 │
│ list[str]                           │
│ ["Mallesham", "Bhavik", ... "Fer... │
│ ["ABC", "XYZ"]                      │
Answered By: ritchie46

Good question – basically we want to apply a filter within each list element.

We do this by using arr.eval which allows us to do operations inside the Series on each row and use pl.element to be a proxy for the Series on each row.

Answered By: braaannigan
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