Trying to print out a dictionary with index numbers


Hiya I am trying to print out a dictionary so it ends up looking like this

-------- view contacts --------
    1    Stish        123
    2    Rita         321

I have got so far as to print it like this

-------- view contacts --------
        Stish        123
        Rita        321

But I am unsure as to how I could get it to print with index numbers as well. This is the code I have currently.

def viewcontacts(contacts):
    print("-------- view contacts --------") 
    for key, value in contacts.items():
        print ("       ",key,"      ",value)

many thanks for the help and please bear with me as I’m pretty inexperienced.

Tried to integrate a for loop with then x+1 for each value but I kept running into concatenation errors as its a string and not an integer that the dictionary values are being stored as.

Asked By: G0rg81



This will do what you want:

def viewcontacts(contacts):
    print("-------- view contacts --------")
    for ix, (key, value) in enumerate(contacts.items()):
        print("{:3}    {:10}  {:8}".format(ix+1, key, value))

This produces the following:

-------- view contacts --------
  1    Stish            123
  2    Rita             321

This uses a fixed width for each field so that they line up properly.
You can adjust the field widths as needed.

Answered By: Tom Karzes

Try something like:

def viewcontacts(contacts):
    print("-------- view contacts --------") 
    for index (key, value) in enumerate(contacts.items()):
        print (f"{index}       {key}      {value}")
Answered By: brunns

Try to use another counter element in your for loop, which will be in a range on length of your dictionary.

def viewcontacts(contacts):
    print("-------- view contacts --------") 
    for (key, value), id in contacts.items(), range(1, len(contacts)):
        print (f"    {id}    {key}    {value}")

or with enumerate function:

def viewcontacts(contacts):
    print("-------- view contacts --------") 
    for (key, value), id in contacts.items(), enumerate(contacts):
        print (f"    {id}    {key}    {value}")
Answered By: skryptoxy

did i answer your question?

def viewcontacts(contacts):
    print("-------- view contacts --------") 
    for key, value in contacts.items():
        print (index,"   " ,key,"      ",value)
Answered By: Kungfu panda
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