Query DNS server for usable/plain IP address


I am trying to write a program to query multiple DNS servers for the IP address of a hostname. My only problem is that I can’t get the actual IP address, only the server’s response.

This is my code:

import dns.resolver

my_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()

reply_list = []
dns_list = ['', '', '']
resp = []

for server in dns_list:
        my_resolver.nameservers = [server]
        answer = my_resolver.resolve('google.com')
    except dns.resolver.LifetimeTimeout:

I don’t understand how I can use the output.
I had hoped for a list, a dict or a tuple as a response.

But I get this on the console:

id 54769
opcode QUERY
flags QR RD RA
google.com. IN A
google.com. 233 IN A
id 39642
opcode QUERY
flags QR RD RA
google.com. IN A
google.com. 300 IN A

Process finished with exit code 0`

Thanks for your help! 🙂

Asked By: Husky-CGN



answer.response contains the actual DNS protocol response from the server. Instead, you can use str(answer) to get the resolved IP address instead. Like this:

import dns.resolver

server_list = ['', '']
records = []

dns.resolver.default_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver(configure=False)

for serv in server_list:
    dns.resolver.default_resolver.nameservers = [serv]
    answers = dns.resolver.resolve('google.com')
    records.extend([str(answer) for answer in answers])

print(records)  # => ['', '']
Answered By: Michael M.

Thanks for the help!
This is what I ended up doing to get a list with dicts back.
With the DNS server as the key and the result (IP-Address) as value.
Even though I still don’t understand how that server response seemingly "magically" gets turned into the plain IP-Address.
Any resource for that is appreciated! 🙂

import dns.resolver

my_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()

reply_list = []
dns_list = ['', '', '']
records_dict_list = []
resp = []

for server in dns_list:
        my_resolver.nameservers = [server]
        answers = my_resolver.resolve('google.com', 'A')
        records_dict_list.append({str(server): str(answer) for answer in answers})
    except dns.resolver.LifetimeTimeout:
        records_dict_list.append({str(server): 'error'})


[{'': ''}, {'': ''}, {'': 'error'}]

Process finished with exit code 0
Answered By: Husky-CGN
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