comas with quote mark right behind


I need to format a string dictionary before convert it into dict
I tried it with regex:

        decmark_reg = re.compile('(?<=d),(?=d)')
        dict_decmark = decmark_reg.sub('.',dict_quotes)
        convertedDict = json.loads(dict_decmark)

but then I realized it mess with "fingerOne_OffTimes" values

    dict_str = '{"level":0,6,     

desired result

    dict_str = '{"level":0.6,                                      # 0,6 -> 0.6
                 "fingerOne_OffTimes":[459,4716491699219,78532]}}  # no change

Would need a pattern that detect all comas but ones which have quot mark right behind

Asked By: kubaSpolsky



You can match strings that consist of digits and at least two commas, and then match your pattern in all other contexts:

decmark_reg = re.compile(r'(d+(?:,d+){2,})|(?<=d),(?=d)')
dict_decmark = decmark_reg.sub(lambda x: or '.', dict_quotes)


  • (d+(?:,d+){2,}) – Group 1: one or more digits and then two or more sequences of a comma and one or more digits
  • | – or
  • (?<=d),(?=d) – a comma that is enclosed with digits on both ends

If Group 1 matches, its value is returned, else, the . is returned.

Answered By: Wiktor Stribiżew

Try (regex101):

import re

dict_str = """
 "params": {

pat = re.compile(r"([.*?])|(d,d)")

dict_str = pat.sub(
    lambda g: or",", "."), dict_str


 "params": {
Answered By: Andrej Kesely
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