Strategy Pattern in Python Functional Redesign


I’m trying to create a program that returns "emergency messages" using the Strategy Pattern. I’m building it in a more functional way in that instead of using abstract classes to define my functions, I just defined the functions and called those.

However, I get the error

TypeError: text_alarm() missing 1 required positional argument: 'message'

My code:

class EmergencyDrillBase(object):

    _alarm_behavior = None
    _suggested_message = None

    def __init__(self, name, description): = name
        self.description = description

    def set_alarm_behavior(self, alarm_behavior):
        self._alarm_behavior = alarm_behavior

    def set_suggested_message(self, suggested_message):
        self._suggested_message = suggested_message

# define alarm behaviors
def text_alarm(message):
    print(f"This is a Text alarm with message: {message}")

# define suggested messages
def evacuate_message():

# define drills
class FireDrill(EmergencyDrillBase):

    _suggested_message = evacuate_message()
    _alarm_behavior = text_alarm()

    name = "Fire Drill"
    description = "Fire Drill Description"

    def __init__(self):
        super(FireDrill, self).__init__(, FireDrill.description)

    def sound_alarm(self):

def mini_drill_simulator():
    fire_drill = FireDrill()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Can anybody spot where my mistake is?

Expected outcome: print ("This is a Text alarm with message: Evacuate")

Asked By: xavi-pi



I think that (at least)
_alarm_behavior = text_alarm() should be _alarm_behavior = text_alarm and
_suggested_message = evacuate_message() should be _suggested_message = evacuate_message and then the methods should be referred to as FireDrill._suggested_message and FireDrill._alarm_behavior.

So a problem is calling the method(s) instead of just referencing them.

Answered By: radof
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