How print dataframe column names that have a particular value?


I’m currently doing this for each column:


How do I print all columns that have at least one value '?'?

Data set looks like this:

age sex cp  trestbps    chol    fbs restecg thalach exang   oldpeak slope   ca  thal    target
0   28.0    1.0 2.0 130 132 0   2   185 0   0   ?   ?   ?   0

I’m looking for a function that will print slope,ca,thal (the ones that contains '?')

Asked By: jimmy



You can do it like this:

for col in df.columns:
    if df[col].astype('str').str.contains(r'?').any():
Answered By: salman

you can use:

df= df.loc[: , (df == '?').any()]
#or columns

col_list=df.loc[: , (df == '?').any()].columns.to_list()

#if you are looking "isin"
df= df.loc[: , df.apply(lambda x: x.str.contains('?').any(),axis=0)]

Answered By: Clegane
df = df[[x for x in df.columns if any(df[x].astype(str).str.contains(r"?"))]]
Answered By: Jason Baker
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