How to insert a newline in printing list in itertools


I am permuting a few list. How to print the result in a newline?


import itertools

s=[ [ '1', '2','3'], ['a','b'],

print (list(itertools.product(*s,)))

Need Result:

#-- with a newline

1 a 4 f 
1 a 4 g 
1 a 4 e 
1 a 4 y

Current Result:

#-- not very readable

[('1', 'a', '4', 'f'), ('1', 'a', '4', 'g'), ('1', 'a', '4', 'e'), ('1', 'a', '4', 'y')]
Asked By: errzoned



You can unpack the tuples to f-strings, and join them all using n as a separator.

import itertools

s=[ ['1', '2','3'], 
    ['f','g','e','y'] ]

print('n'.join((f'{a} {b} {c} {d}' for a,b,c,d in itertools.product(*s,))))
Answered By: bn_ln

You could convert it to a dataframe and then call to_string()

import pandas as pd
import itertools
s=[ [ '1', '2','3'], ['a','b'],

df = pd.DataFrame(list(itertools.product(*s,)))


If you don’t want the columns at the top do this

_, s = df.to_string(index=False).split('n', 1)
Answered By: Ryno_XLI

Unpack in print just like you already do in product…

for p in itertools.product(*s):
Answered By: Kelly Bundy
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