Why is there an error asserting that output is a list?


aim is to write a function div_3() that will find all the values from the input parameter data_list that are perfectly divisible by 3, using a for loop with a conditional inside the function. And to save any values from data_list that meet this condition into a new list ‘output’, which is returned from the function.

data_list = [12, 49, 67, 308, 23, 15, 36, 21, 410]

def div_3(data_list):
    output = []
    for i in data_list:
        if i % 3 == 0:
    print (output)



[12, 15, 36, 21]

assert type(div_3(data_list)) == list

AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_529/3718698975.py in <module>
      1 div_3(data_list)
----> 3 assert type(div_3(data_list)) == list


I’m not sure why the output prints as a list [], but when trying to assert type == list, it produces an error

Asked By: JVR



instead of print(output) ,return output. Your error will go away

Since, function does not return anything so, NoneType will be compared with list.

Answered By: God Is One
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