Invalid stoi argument with torch


I’ve been tackling python and torch specifically lately as a hobby, and, while some API works, I keep getting invalid stoi argument exception with other very basic API torch provides.

Reproduced with the code below:

import torch

First call (is_available()) works as expected and returns True, but the second throws an exception:

Exception has occurred: RuntimeError
invalid stoi argument
  File "", line 5, in <module>

Needless to say, more complicated things (for example, running stable_diffusion_webui) fail if used with GPU (said webui works with CPU), and trying to dig deeper into the code brings me to the same exception.

OS is Windows 11, python Python 3.10.8, torch version checked with torch.__version__ returns 1.12.1+cu113. And, well, GPU is present

List of packages installed:

❯ pip list
Package                 Version
----------------------- ---------------
absl-py                 1.3.0
addict                  2.4.0
antlr4-python3-runtime  4.9.3
basicsr                 1.4.2
beautifulsoup4          4.11.1
cachetools              5.2.0
certifi                 2022.9.24
charset-normalizer      2.1.1
clip                    1.0
colorama                0.4.6
contourpy               1.0.6
cycler                  0.11.0
einops                  0.4.1
facexlib                0.2.5
ffmpy                   0.3.0
filelock                3.8.0
filterpy                1.4.5
font-roboto             0.0.1
fonts                   0.0.3
fonttools               4.38.0
ftfy                    6.1.1
future                  0.18.2
gdown                   4.5.3
gfpgan                  1.3.5
google-auth             2.14.0
google-auth-oauthlib    0.4.6
grpcio                  1.50.0
idna                    3.4
imageio                 2.22.3
kiwisolver              1.4.4
lark                    1.1.2
llvmlite                0.39.1
lmdb                    1.3.0
lpips                   0.1.4
Markdown                3.4.1
MarkupSafe              2.1.1
matplotlib              3.6.2
networkx                2.8.8
numba                   0.56.3
numpy                   1.23.3
oauthlib                3.2.2
omegaconf               2.2.3
orjson                  3.8.1
packaging               21.3
piexif                  1.1.3
Pillow                  9.2.0
pip                     22.2.2
protobuf                3.19.6
pyasn1                  0.4.8
pyasn1-modules          0.2.8
pycparser               2.21
pycryptodome            3.15.0
pydantic                1.10.2
pyDeprecate             0.3.2
pydub                   0.25.1
pyparsing               3.0.9
pyrsistent              0.19.2
PySocks                 1.7.1
python-dateutil         2.8.2
python-multipart        0.0.4
pytz                    2022.6
PyWavelets              1.4.1
PyYAML                  6.0
regex                   2022.10.31
requests                2.28.1
requests-oauthlib       1.3.1
resize-right            0.0.2
rfc3986                 1.5.0
rsa                     4.9
scikit-image            0.19.3
scipy                   1.9.3
setuptools              63.2.0
six                     1.16.0
sniffio                 1.3.0
soupsieve               2.3.2.post1
tb-nightly              2.11.0a20221103
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1
tensorboard-plugin-wit  1.8.1
tifffile                2022.10.10
tokenizers              0.12.1
torch                   1.12.1+cu113
torchvision             0.13.1+cu113
tqdm                    4.64.1
typing_extensions       4.4.0
uc-micro-py             1.0.1
urllib3                 1.26.12
wcwidth                 0.2.5
websockets              10.4
Werkzeug                2.2.2
wheel                   0.37.1
yapf                    0.32.0
zipp                    3.10.0

This brings me to two questions:

  1. What’s causing the issue? I do have a rough understanding of the c++ meaning of the error, but not sure why I’m getting this on python
  2. Is there anything I can do to fix the problem?


Asked By: Dmitrii Chichuk



As there is no other answers, and initial problem seem to have been solved, I thought I’d share some information.

I’ve noticed the problem was fixed when… I updated my Nvidia driver. No idea what was the problem, and if there’s anything else I unknowingly did, but updating to 526.98 did the trick for me.

If there’s anyone else to share more details on the original issue, or possible solutions – feel free to edit or give a better answer, I’d mark that as the best option instead.

Have a nice day o/

Answered By: Dmitrii Chichuk
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