Google OAuth error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch in Python


first time using OAuth here and I am stuck. I am building a web app that needs to make authorized calls to the YouTube Data API. I am testing the OAuth flow from my local computer.

I am stuck receiving Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch when I try to run my Google OAuth flow in Python. The error occurs when I access the link generated by flow.run_console()

Here is my code:

scopes = [""]
flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
client_secrets_file, scopes)
flow.redirect_uri = "" # Authorized in my client ID
credentials = flow.run_console() 

This code returns the message:

Please visit this URL to authorize this application: ***google oauth url ***
Enter the authorization code:

Visiting the link results in the following error:
URI mismatch error

I tried setting the Authorized Redirect URI in my OAuth Client ID to since I am testing from my local machine. I also set flow.redirect_uri to in Python. Using is currently my only option since the front end has not been set up yet.

I expected the code to authorize my request, since the Authorized URI matches the redirect_uri. But I am still receiving the error.

I have had no issues running the flow from Google’s OAuth Playground, if that means anything.

Any help is appreciated, thank you.

Asked By: gbiz123



Change redirect_uri to or http://localhost/. I have faced a similar issue before with Google Drive API, and removing the port number worked for me.

Answered By: shyamsantoki

The library seems to have a bug.
I know it is not so good but in this case the hack is

flow._OOB_REDIRECT_URI = = ""
Answered By: Andrea

are you sure this is definitely your redirect uri? go to your client_secrets.json you downloaded when generating your credentials from the API centre and your redirect uris are in there, http://localhost (NOTEwithout the trailing slash!) was specified in mine by default – if it isnt in yours then use the one specified in the json.

Answered By: Duke Showbiz

Thanks for your help everyone. I was able to find a working solution for my issue from referencing this documentation:

Here is my solution:

def get_subscribers(channel_id="Channel_id", 
        client_secrets_file="Client_secret_file", n=50):
    os.environ["OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT"] = "1"
    flow = Flow.from_client_secrets_file(
    flow.redirect_uri = "http://localhost"
    auth_url, __ = flow.authorization_url(prompt="consent")
    print('Please go to this URL: {}'.format(auth_url))
    code = input('Enter the authorization code: ')
    youtube =
        "youtube", "v3", credentials=flow.credentials
    request = youtube.subscriptions().list(
    return request.execute()
Answered By: gbiz123