Download files from a site with requests by clicking the button


I’m trying to download download a zip file from this site:;e=e545;uf=mg;ufbu=mg;mubu=40037;zn=0001;se=0101/log-da-urna

After clicking the button "download *.zip file" the download is performed.

I’m trying to do this with the resquest because then I want to automate it and just change "zn" and "se" in the ulr

The problem is that I am not able to download the zip file with resquests

This is the code i’m trying, can anyone help me?

import py7zr
import json
import requests

r = requests.get('')

r.text # the file appears to come but I think it's not the right way to do it, when I automate it to look for another section (if) I won't have the correct file name

enter image description here

How can I automate something like this without knowing what the name of the next file will be when I change the ulr?

Asked By: Leonardo Henriques



I’m not sure what you mean by

change "zn" and "se" in the url

but you might want to try this:

import os
import time
import urllib.parse
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfileobj

import requests

headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0",
    "Referer": "",

def download_file(source_url: str, directory: str) -> None:
    os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
    save_dir = Path(directory)
    file_name = (
        f"_{source_url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].replace('.logjez', '')}"
    destination = save_dir / file_name
    with s.get(source_url, stream=True) as file, open(destination, "wb") as output:
        copyfileobj(file.raw, output)

with requests.session() as s:
    base_url = ';e=e545;uf=mg;ufbu=mg;mubu=40037;zn=0001;se=0101/log-de-urna'
    # deconstruct the url to get the query parameters
    url_parts = (
        .urlsplit(base_url.rstrip("/log-de-urna").rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
    # build a map of the query parameters
    d = dict([part.split('=') for part in url_parts])

    # rebuild the API url with the query parameters
    api_url = f"" 
    # get the API response and extract the hashes
    hashes = s.get(api_url).json()['hashes'][0]
    # build the download url with the hashes and query parameters
    zip_url = f"" 
    # download the file
    download_file(zip_url, 'zip_files')

This should download a file like this:

Which should have this (after extraction it’s just a .dat file):

shortened for brevity

24/09/2022 16:16:19 INFO    67305985    LOGD    InÌcio das operaÁıes do logd    25DB7401100B3F08
24/09/2022 16:16:19 INFO    67305985    LOGD    Urna ligada em 24/09/2022 ‡s 16:15:04   43FBAE51FE13D6F8
24/09/2022 16:16:19 INFO    67305985    SCUE    Iniciando aplicaÁ„o - Oficial - 1∫ turno    46556A8AF2E2C406
24/09/2022 16:16:19 INFO    67305985    SCUE    Vers„o da aplicaÁ„o: - OnÁa-pintada    7827EE0DB8CA11F0
24/09/2022 16:16:21 INFO    67305985    SCUE    Urna operando com rede elÈtrica 239A67E5FCA5752B
24/09/2022 16:16:21 INFO    67305985    SCUE    Bateria interna com carga plena 6EE1D58F43F1C55E
24/09/2022 16:16:27 INFO    67305985    SCUE    Tamanho da mÌdia interna: 488.7 MB  3C1DD481446A0EB8
24/09/2022 16:16:30 INFO    67305985    SCUE    Tamanho da memÛria: 489.4 MB    D77DD903E0DDB80B
24/09/2022 16:16:30 INFO    67305985    SCUE    VerificaÁ„o de assinatura de aplicaÁ„o por etapa [1] - [/bin/avbin.vst] - [SUCESSO] 07D0A24BF9E343B3
24/09/2022 16:16:31 INFO    67305985    SCUE    VerificaÁ„o de assinatura de aplicaÁ„o por etapa [2] - [/uenux/bin/avusrbin.vst] - [SUCESSO]
Answered By: baduker

To answer Leonardo’s question about reading the zip file: The zip files are compressed with 7zip. To open it use:

with py7zr.SevenZipFile(path_to_zipfile, 'r') as zip_ref:
Answered By: Rafael Eller

baixa o arquivo log e descompacta ele dentro vc tera o arquivo .logjez renomeie este arquivo pra .zip descompacte ele e veja o logd.dat edit ele no ultraedit e veja tudo que esta no log, abraço.

Answered By: André Silva