Python Tkinter for loop checkbuttons not working as intended


having trouble with tkinter and making checkbuttons through a for loop.
i need to create a dynamic amount of buttons based on a previously created list.

With this code, all of the buttons get ticked and unticked at the same time when i click one of them.
also, calling checktab[i] doesn’t actually give me the value the corresponding button is set to, the value stays the same whether the button is ticked or not.

checktab = []
Button = []
for i in range(len(repo_list)):
    Button.append(tkinter.Checkbutton(window, text = repo_list[i]["repo_name"], variable = checktab[i], onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0))
Asked By: Zefile



Tkinter uses IntVars to keep track of the value of a checkbutton. You can’t just use a normal integer. Changing




should work. You can then use checktab[i].get() to get the value of the IntVar.

Answered By: Henry