Issue with sorting in pandas column in ascending order


I have the following code.

I am trying to sort the values of the first column of the ‘happydflist’ dataframe in ascending order.

However, the output this gives me includes some values such as ‘2’,’3′ and ‘8’ that do not fit in with the ascending order theme.

happydflist = happydflist[happydflist.columns[0]]
happydflistnew = happydflist.sort_values(ascending=True)

12    13
10    19
13     2
11    24
15     3
6     33
24    35
8     36
5     37
25    49
17    49
20    50
26    51
22    52
16    52
18    52
19    52
28    53
27    54
23    54
21    59
9     74
7     75
14     8
Name: 0_happy, dtype: object

I would be so grateful for a helping hand!

‘happydflist’ looks like this:

5     37
6     33
7     75
8     36
9     74
10    19
11    24
12    13
13     2
14     8
15     3
16    52
17    49
18    52
19    52
20    50
21    59
22    52
23    54
24    35
25    49
26    51
27    54
28    53
Name: 0_happy, dtype: object
Asked By: Caledonian26



Maybe your dataframe’s dtype of some is str so make that to int instead.


if you need str dtype use astype 1more so:

Answered By: Panda Kim

I managed to resolve the issue by using the df.strip() function to remove ‘white space’ around text in a dataframe, combined with the .dropna() function.

    happydflistnew = happydflist[happydflist.columns[0]].str.strip()
    happydflistnew = happydflistnew.dropna()
    happydflistsorted = happydflistnew.astype('int').sort_values(ascending=True)
    maxvalue = len(happydflistsorted) 
    minhappiness = happydflistsorted.iloc[0]
    maxhappiness = happydflistsorted.iloc[maxvalue-1]
Answered By: Caledonian26