How to solve an equation that contains sigma sum to find the upper limit of sigma in Python


I want to find an integer value from a sigma contained equation with two variables like this post

enter image description here

where x (a real decimal value) range is between two limits e.g. known_xmin_value <= x < known_xmax_value. 1 is the lower limit of k (which is the integer) but don’t know the upper limit (which is the goal to be derived from the solution); Perhaps just could be guess that it will be lower than 2000000. Is it possible to find the integer for k? How?

from sympy import Sum, solve
from import k, x

known_value = 742.231       # just for example
known_xmin_value = 3.652    # just for example

solve(-known_value + Sum((x + (k - 1) * (x - known_xmin_value)) ** 3, (k, 1, integer_unknown_limit)), x)
Asked By: Ali_Sh



Since you are looking for a numerical solution, a naive approach would be a brute force over a set of integer_unknown_limit and use numerical root finding algorithms. For example:

from sympy import *
from scipy.optimize import root
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x, k, integer_unknown_limit = symbols("x, k, u")
known_value = 742.231       # just for example
known_xmin_value = 3.652    # just for example
expr = -known_value + Sum((x + (k - 1) * (x - known_xmin_value)) ** 3, (k, 1, integer_unknown_limit))

f = lambdify([x, integer_unknown_limit], expr)
res = {}

# NOTE: this loop may take a few minutes, depending on the machine.
# I suggest to lower the upper limit
for ul in range(1, 1000):
        r = root(f, 2, args=(ul,))
        if r.success:
            res[ul] = r.x[0]

plt.plot(list(res.keys()), res.values())
plt.xlabel("u (upper limit)")
plt.ylabel("x where f(x)=0")
plt.title("f(x) = $%s$" % latex(expr))

As you can see, for each upper limit value in the considered subset, the expression is satisfied at some value of x.

enter image description here

EDIT: note that the same can be done with sympy’s nsolve. Just replace the for loop with:

for ul in range(1, 1000):
        res[ul] = nsolve(expr.subs(integer_unknown_limit, ul), x, 1)
Answered By: Davide_sd

SymPy can compute the sum symbolically:

from sympy import *

from sympy import Sum, solve
from import k, x, y

# Use exact rational numbers
known_value = Rational('742.231')       # just for example
known_xmin_value = Rational('3.652')    # just for example

sum_value = Sum((x + (k - 1) * (x - known_xmin_value)) ** 3, (k, 1, y))

This is the summation and its result computed using doit:

In [22]: sum_value
  ╲                          3
   ╲  ⎛            ⎛    913⎞⎞ 
   ╱  ⎜x + (k - 1)⋅⎜x - ───⎟⎟ 
  ╱   ⎝            ⎝    250⎠⎠ 
k = 1                         

In [23]: sum_value.doit()
                                       ⎛ 2    ⎞   ⎛      2                         ⎞ ⎛ 3    2    ⎞   ⎛ 4    3    2⎞ ⎛           2                        ⎞
761048497⋅y   ⎛2500707⋅x   2283145491⎞ ⎜y    y⎟   ⎜2739⋅x    2500707⋅x   2283145491⎟ ⎜y    y    y⎟   ⎜y    y    y ⎟ ⎜ 3   2739⋅x    2500707⋅x   761048497⎟
─────────── + ⎜───────── - ──────────⎟⋅⎜── + ─⎟ + ⎜─────── - ───────── + ──────────⎟⋅⎜── + ── + ─⎟ + ⎜── + ── + ──⎟⋅⎜x  - ─────── + ───────── - ─────────⎟
  15625000    ⎝  62500      15625000 ⎠ ⎝2    2⎠   ⎝  250       31250      15625000 ⎠ ⎝3    2    6⎠   ⎝4    2    4 ⎠ ⎝       250       62500      15625000⎠

This is a quartic polynomial in y so the equation can be solved explicitly in radicals giving 4 symbolic expressions for the roots:

In [24]: s1, s2, s3, s4 = solve(sum_value.doit() - known_value, y)

In [25]: print(s1)
(-250*x*sqrt(62500*x**2/(62500*x**2 - 456500*x + 833569) - 456500*x/(62500*x**2 - 456500*x + 833569) - 1000*sqrt(833569*x**2 + 185557750*x - 677656903)/(62500*x**2 - 456500*x + 833569) + 833569/(62500*x**2 - 456500*x + 833569)) - 250*x + 913*sqrt(62500*x**2/(62500*x**2 - 456500*x + 833569) - 456500*x/(62500*x**2 - 456500*x + 833569) - 1000*sqrt(833569*x**2 + 185557750*x - 677656903)/(62500*x**2 - 456500*x + 833569) + 833569/(62500*x**2 - 456500*x + 833569)) - 913)/(500*x - 1826)

For any particular value of x probably none of these 4 roots will be equal to an integer though.

Answered By: Oscar Benjamin