how can implement crunch wordlist generator


This is what I wrote…

def brute(m,pattern=None):
    letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    spec = '#@&$%*()+'
    upper = letters.upper()
    number = '1234567890'
    info = {'@':spec,'^':upper,'%':letters,'*':number}
    chars = [info.get(p,letters) for _,p in zip(range(m),pattern or  letters)]
    def inner(m):
        if m:
            for l in chars[~m]:
                for j in inner(m-1):
            for l in chars[~m]:
                yield l
    for i in inner(m-1):

I want to know how to write a tool similar to crunch in kali…

I would be grateful if you could implement it in Python.

And why is my code so slow even when I write the output to file??
How to make it faster??

Asked By: Warrior199



Here is an itertools based approach which might do what you want:

import itertools, string

def brute(m,pattern=None):
    if pattern is None:
        pattern = '%'*m
    letters = string.ascii_lowercase
    upper = string.ascii_uppercase
    spec = '#@&$%*()+'
    number = '1234567890'
    info = {'@':spec,'^':upper,'%':letters,'*':number}
    chars = [info.get(d,letters) for d in pattern]
    return [''.join(p) for p in itertools.product(*chars)]

For example, words = brute(6,'@%%*@^') takes about 2 seconds to evaluate to a list of 14236560 words.

Answered By: John Coleman
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