Creating an SQLAlchemy column to dynamically generate a list of models with an expression


I want to create a relationship column on my model, where it will be built with an expression so that it can be queried.

Here’s a brief example of my setup:

I have each application (eg. Python) stored in the App table. Each version of the application (eg. Python 3.7) is stored under the AppVersion table.

My items (in the Item table) have a minimum and maximum supported version per application. This is done with the ItemVersion table, with ItemVersion.version_min and ItemVersion.version_max, for example:

  • min_version=None, max_version=None: Compatible with all versions
  • min_version=None, max_version=27: Compatible with Python 2 and below
  • min_version=37, max_version=None: Compatible with Python 3 and above
  • min_version=37, max_version=39: Compatible with Python 3.7 to 3.9

In this case, I want to generate an expression to return a list of AppVersion records compatible with my item.

Below I have used @hybrid_property as an example to mock up how ItemVersion.versions and Item.versions should work. I need it to be compatible with queries though, which this is not (eg. Item.versions.any( == 1)).

from sqlalchemy import select, create_engine, Column, Integer, ForeignKey, String, case, and_, or_
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker, column_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

Engine = create_engine('sqlite://')

Base = declarative_base(Engine)

session = sessionmaker(Engine)()

class App(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'app'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(64))
    versions = relationship('AppVersion', back_populates='app')

    def __repr__(self):

class AppVersion(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'app_version'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    app_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)
    value = Column(Integer, nullable=False)

    app = relationship('App', foreign_keys=app_id, back_populates='versions', innerjoin=True)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{}:{self.value}'

class ItemVersion(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'item_version'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    app_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    version_min_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True)
    version_max_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True)

    item = relationship('Item', foreign_keys=item_id)
    app = relationship('App', foreign_keys=app_id)
    version_min = relationship('AppVersion', foreign_keys=version_min_id)
    version_max = relationship('AppVersion', foreign_keys=version_max_id)

    def versions(self):
        # All versions
        if self.version_min is None and self.version_max is None:
        # Single version
        elif self.version_min == self.version_max:
            return [self.version_min]
        # Max version and below
        elif self.version_min is None:
            return [version for version in
                            if version.value <= self.version_max.value]
        # Min version and above
        elif self.version_max is None:
            return [version for version in
                            if self.version_min.value <= version.value]
        # Custom range
        return [version for version in
                 if self.version_min.value <= version.value <= self.version_max.value]

class Item(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'item'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    item_versions = relationship('ItemVersion', back_populates='item')

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Item {}'

    def versions(self):
        versions = []
        for item_version in self.item_versions:
        return versions


py = App(name='Python')
py27 = AppVersion(app=py, value=27)
py37 = AppVersion(app=py, value=37)
py38 = AppVersion(app=py, value=38)
py39 = AppVersion(app=py, value=39)

session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py)])) # [Python:27, Python:37, Python:38, Python:39]
session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py, version_min=py37)])) # [Python:37, Python:38, Python:39]
session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py, version_max=py37)])) # [Python:27, Python:37]
session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py, version_min=py27, version_max=py27)])) # [Python:27]


for item in session.execute(select(Item)).scalars():
    print(f'{item}: {item.versions}')

My attempts so far have hit issues before I’ve got to writing the actual query.

With relationships they don’t apply any filter on value:

class ItemVersion(Base):
    versions = relationship(
        primaryjoin=and_(AppVersion.app_id ==, AppVersion.value == 0),
        secondaryjoin=app_id ==,
        viewonly=True, uselist=True,

# sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not locate any relevant foreign key columns for primary join condition 'app_version.app_id = item_version.app_id' on relationship ItemVersion.versions.  Ensure that referencing columns are associated with a ForeignKey or ForeignKeyConstraint, or are annotated in the join condition with the foreign() annotation.

With column_property (which I could link with a relationship) it doesn’t like more than 1 result:

class ItemVersion(Base):
    version_ids = column_property(
        select( == app_id)

# sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) sub-select returns 3 columns - expected 1

This would be my ideal result:

class ItemVersion(Base):
    versions = # generate expression

class Item(Base):
    item_versions = relationship('ItemVersion', back_populates='item')
    versions = association_proxy('item_versions', 'versions')

If anyone has a particular section of documentation to point to that would also be appreciated, I’m just struggling a lot with this one.

Asked By: Peter



It’s possible via a relationship but it took a lot of trial and error with joins to get there. Below is what was needed to get it working, although I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a more optimal way.

class ItemVersion(Base):
    version_min_val = column_property(
        .where( == version_min_id)
    version_max_val = column_property(
        .where( == version_max_id)
    versions = relationship(
            app_id == AppVersion.app_id,
                [and_(version_min_id == None, version_max_id == None), literal(True)],
                [and_(version_min_id == None, version_max_id != None), AppVersion.value <= version_max_val],
                [and_(version_min_id != None, version_max_id == None), version_min_val <= AppVersion.value],
                else_=and_(version_min_val <= AppVersion.value, AppVersion.value <= version_max_val),
        viewonly=True, uselist=True,

class Item(Base):
    versions = relationship(
            id == ItemVersion.item_id,
                [and_(ItemVersion.version_min_id == None, ItemVersion.version_max_id == None), literal(True)],
                [and_(ItemVersion.version_min_id == None, ItemVersion.version_max_id != None), AppVersion.value <= ItemVersion.version_max_val],
                [and_(ItemVersion.version_min_id != None, ItemVersion.version_max_id == None), ItemVersion.version_min_val <= AppVersion.value],
                else_=and_(ItemVersion.version_min_val <= AppVersion.value, AppVersion.value <= ItemVersion.version_max_val),
        secondaryjoin=ItemVersion.app_id == AppVersion.app_id,
        viewonly=True, uselist=True,

Full code I used for testing:

from sqlalchemy import select, create_engine, Column, Integer, ForeignKey, String, case, and_, literal
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker, column_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Engine = create_engine('sqlite://')

Base = declarative_base(Engine)

session = sessionmaker(Engine)()

class App(Base):
    """Each App has name and list of versions."""
    __tablename__ = 'app'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(64))
    versions = relationship('AppVersion', back_populates='app')

    def __repr__(self):

class AppVersion(Base):
    """Each App version has a particular value."""
    __tablename__ = 'app_version'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    app_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)
    value = Column(Integer, nullable=False)

    app = relationship('App', foreign_keys=app_id, back_populates='versions', innerjoin=True)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{}:{self.value}'

class ItemVersion(Base):
    """The item version links a particular item to an App and it's min/max versions.
    Using the min and max versions, a range of compatible versions can be generated.
    __tablename__ = 'item_version'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    app_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    version_min_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True)
    version_max_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True)

    item = relationship('Item', foreign_keys=item_id)
    app = relationship('App', foreign_keys=app_id)
    version_min = relationship('AppVersion', foreign_keys=version_min_id)
    version_max = relationship('AppVersion', foreign_keys=version_max_id)

    version_min_val = column_property(
        .where( == version_min_id)
    version_max_val = column_property(
        .where( == version_max_id)

    versions = relationship(
            app_id == AppVersion.app_id,
                [and_(version_min_id == None, version_max_id == None), literal(True)],
                [and_(version_min_id == None, version_max_id != None), AppVersion.value <= version_max_val],
                [and_(version_min_id != None, version_max_id == None), version_min_val <= AppVersion.value],
                else_=and_(version_min_val <= AppVersion.value, AppVersion.value <= version_max_val),
        viewonly=True, uselist=True,

class Item(Base):
    """Each item may have multiple compatible applications with specific versions."""
    __tablename__ = 'item'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    item_versions = relationship('ItemVersion', back_populates='item')

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Item {}'

    versions = relationship(
            id == ItemVersion.item_id,
                [and_(ItemVersion.version_min_id == None, ItemVersion.version_max_id == None), literal(True)],
                [and_(ItemVersion.version_min_id == None, ItemVersion.version_max_id != None), AppVersion.value <= ItemVersion.version_max_val],
                [and_(ItemVersion.version_min_id != None, ItemVersion.version_max_id == None), ItemVersion.version_min_val <= AppVersion.value],
                else_=and_(ItemVersion.version_min_val <= AppVersion.value, AppVersion.value <= ItemVersion.version_max_val),
        secondaryjoin=ItemVersion.app_id == AppVersion.app_id,
        viewonly=True, uselist=True,


py = App(name='Python')
py27 = AppVersion(app=py, value=27)
py37 = AppVersion(app=py, value=37)
py38 = AppVersion(app=py, value=38)
py39 = AppVersion(app=py, value=39)
maya = App(name='Maya')
m22 = AppVersion(app=maya, value=2022)
m23 = AppVersion(app=maya, value=2023)

# [Python:27, Python:37, Python:38, Python:39, Maya:2022, Maya:2023]
session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py), ItemVersion(app=maya)]))
# [Python:37, Python:38, Python:39]
session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py, version_min=py37)]))
# [Python:27, Python:37]
session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py, version_max=py37)]))
# [Python:27]
session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py, version_min=py27, version_max=py27)]))
# [Python:27, Python:37, Python:38]
session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py, version_min=py27, version_max=py38)]))
# [Python:27, Python:39, Maya:2022]
session.add(Item(item_versions=[ItemVersion(app=py, version_max=py27), ItemVersion(app=py, version_min=py39), ItemVersion(app=maya, version_min=m22, version_max=m22)]))


stmt = select(Item).where(Item.versions.any( == 'Maya')))
for item in session.execute(stmt).scalars():
    print(f'{item}: {item.versions}')
Answered By: Peter
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