Snake Algorithm (active contour) in python


Find contour on the right side of the chest image as indicated with red circle and by using Python and scikit-image package for the image below
this is the image i have to process
to make it like this result:
the result must be like this

Asked By: abohamza.2000



To find the contour on the right side of the chest image, you can use the find_contours function from the scikit-image package. This function takes an image as input and returns a list of all the contours in the image.

Here is an example of how you can use this function to find the contour on the right side of the chest image:

from skimage import io
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.measure import find_contours

# Load the image
image = io.imread('chest_image.png')

# Convert the image to grayscale
gray_image = rgb2gray(image)

# Apply thresholding to the image using Otsu's method
threshold = threshold_otsu(gray_image)
binary_image = gray_image > threshold

# Find the contours in the binary image
contours = find_contours(binary_image, 0.8)

# Select the contour on the right side of the chest
right_side_contour = contours[0]

# Plot the contour on the image
plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
plt.plot(right_side_contour[:, 1], right_side_contour[:, 0], linewidth=2)

This code will first load the chest image and convert it to grayscale. Then it will apply thresholding to the image using Otsu’s method, which will create a binary image with the chest region being white and the background being black. Finally, it will use the find_contours function to find the contours in the binary image, select the contour on the right side of the chest, and plot it on the image.

You can further refine this code to select the contour on the right side of the chest more accurately, depending on the specific details of your image. For example, you can use the coordinates of the red circle in the image to determine which contour is the one on the right side of the chest.

Answered By: palash gupta