Python: The resulting array of type string does not match


I want to make a program to group words consisting of the same characters in an array, but the results don’t match when using the Python programming language

Example problem: Suppose I have 3 arrays of type string as follows:

oe1 = ["abc", "def"];
oe2 = ["asd", "cab", "fed", "eqw"];
oe3 = ["qwe", "efd", "bca"];

Note: The order of the array or the elements doesn’t matter, the important thing is that they are grouped.

Output example:

[abc, cab, bca]
[def, fed, efd]
[eqw, qwe]

But I try to use coding like this the results are not appropriate:

oe1 = ["abc", "def"];
oe2 = ["asd", "cab", "fed", "eqw"];
oe3 = ["qwe", "efd", "bca"];

anagram_list = []
for word_1 in oe1:
  for word_2 in oe2:
      for word_3 in oe3:
        if word_1 != word_2 != word_3 and (sorted(word_1)==sorted(word_2)==sorted(word_3)):
            anagram_list.append(word_1 + word_2 + word_3)

my output is like this:

['abccabbca', 'deffedefd']

How do I make it match the example output above?

Asked By: Anis Indah



Here is one way to perhaps solve your problem:

  1. Create a function that takes three lists of words as input and returns a list of lists of anagrams, grouped by input list.
def group_anagrams(oe1, oe2, oe3):
    # Create a dictionary where the keys are the sorted version of each word
    # and the values are lists of the words that have the same characters.
    anagrams = {}
    # Loop over each word in each input list.
    for words in [oe1, oe2, oe3]:
        for word in words:
            # Sort the word to create a unique key for each set of anagrams.
            key = ''.join(sorted(word))
            # Add the word to the list of anagrams for this key.
            if key in anagrams:
                anagrams[key] = [word]
    # Return the values of the dictionary (i.e. the lists of anagrams) as a list of lists.
    return anagrams.values()
  1. Use the function to group the anagrams in your example.
oe1 = ["abc", "def"]
oe2 = ["asd", "cab", "fed", "eqw"]
oe3 = ["qwe", "efd", "bca"]

anagram_lists = group_anagrams(oe1, oe2, oe3)

# Print the result.
for anagrams in anagram_lists:

This should output the following:

[abc, cab, bca]
[def, fed, efd]
[eqw, qwe]

Hope this helps!

Answered By: user3826564

To be easier, let merge them all together. Also, use condition with set() to check whether 2 text are using the same set of characters.

However, my solution doesn’t require any sort(). But I added it because I want the output to be the same as your desired output.

oe = oe1 + oe2 + oe3
oe.sort() # optional, no need for sorting
oe_group = []
for i in range(len(oe)):
    if i == 0:
        for j in range(len(oe_group)):
            if set(oe[i]) == set(oe_group[j][0]):
            if j == len(oe_group) - 1:


[['abc', 'bca', 'cab'], ['asd'], ['def', 'efd', 'fed'], ['eqw', 'qwe']]
Answered By: JayPeerachai

First off, let’s combine those lists and sort them using a lambda that converts each string to a list of characters, then sorts that.

>>> sorted(oe1 + oe2 + oe3, key=lambda s: sorted(list(s)))
['abc', 'cab', 'bca', 'asd', 'def', 'fed', 'efd', 'eqw', 'qwe']

Then using itertools.groupby to group them based on the same lambda.

>>> k = lambda s: sorted(list(s))
>>> [list(v) for _, v in groupby(sorted(oe1 + oe2 + oe3, key=k), key=k)]
[['abc', 'cab', 'bca'], ['asd'], ['def', 'fed', 'efd'], ['eqw', 'qwe']]

This can be simplified a bit further by not first converting to a list and just sorting each string.

>>> sorted(oe1 + oe2 + oe3, key=sorted)
['abc', 'cab', 'bca', 'asd', 'def', 'fed', 'efd', 'eqw', 'qwe']
>>> [list(v) for _, v in groupby(sorted(oe1 + oe2 + oe3, key=sorted), key=sorted)]
[['abc', 'cab', 'bca'], ['asd'], ['def', 'fed', 'efd'], ['eqw', 'qwe']]
Answered By: Chris
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