is possible open python file with os.path.join and execute some function


I work with Django Framework, and I try to open a Python file from outside the Django package.
I use the OS library to get to the path that is outside the Django package, like this:

file_path = OS.path.join(settings.FILES_DIR, ‘’)

In file_path I got only the file path

I want to run a function that is inside the file "".

My questions are:

  • It is possible?
  • And if it is possible, so how.
  • And if it’s not possible, So… how can I import files that are outside the Django package and execute the function?
    Like from package.file_name import function
Asked By: Django



You can imoprt your file by adding it to sys.path (the list of paths python looks at to import things) – i believe that this is a kinda hacky way but still commonly used by django users:

import sys
import your_file

Afterwards you should be able to use it normally

Answered By: Chris

I added the following code in settings file on Django:

sys.path.append(os.path.join(BASE_DIR.parent.parent, ""))  # To get the path from root until current directory 

And because of that, all the packages recognize on run time.

Answered By: Django