Merge rows in pandas with parent/child relationships and potentially multiple children


I have data similar to this MWE (written to facilitate easily recreating sample DataFrame, df):

d = [{'Case #': 'CHI22-01234',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Abraham Lincoln',
  'Demanded': 5000.0,
  'Paid': 2000.0,
  'A': 'Yes',
  'B': 'No',
  'C': 'Yes',
  'D': 'Yes',
  'Notes': 'Honest Abe with his stovepipe hat'},
 {'Case #': 'CHI22-01237',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Ebenezer Scrooge',
  'Demanded': 10000.0,
  'Paid': 0.0,
  'A': 'Yes',
  'B': 'Yes',
  'C': 'Unknown',
  'D': 'No',
  'Notes': 'What a scrooge!'},
 {'Case #': 'NYC21-02222',
  'Parent Case #': 'CHI22-01237',
  'Name': 'Ebenezer Scrooge',
  'Demanded': 0.0,
  'Paid': 9500.0,
  'A': 'Unknown',
  'B': 'Unknown',
  'C': 'No',
  'D': 'Yes',
  'Notes': 'Scrooge has an apartment in NYC'},
 {'Case #': 'NYC22-03333',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Bob Marley',
  'Demanded': 1000000.0,
  'Paid': 0.0,
  'A': 'No',
  'B': 'Unknown',
  'C': 'Unknown',
  'D': 'Unknown',
  'Notes': 'He will send three ghosts'},
 {'Case #': 'PHX21-01234',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Bob Cratchit',
  'Demanded': 0.0,
  'Paid': 0.0,
  'A': 'Unknown',
  'B': 'Unknown',
  'C': 'Unknown',
  'D': 'Unknown',
  'Notes': 'Jr. accountant'},
 {'Case #': 'PHX21-01238',
  'Parent Case #': 'PHX21-01234',
  'Name': 'Bob Cratchit',
  'Demanded': 500000.0,
  'Paid': 22000.0,
  'A': 'No',
  'B': 'Yes',
  'C': 'No',
  'D': 'No',
  'Notes': 'Promoted to Sr. accountant 12/14/2021'},
 {'Case #': 'LAX22-12345',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Kim Kardashian',
  'Demanded': 50000.0,
  'Paid': 0.0,
  'A': 'Yes',
  'B': 'No',
  'C': 'Unknown',
  'D': 'Unknown',
  'Notes': 'Kim & Kanye for president'},
 {'Case #': 'LAX22-12349',
  'Parent Case #': 'LAX22-12345',
  'Name': 'Kim Kardashian',
  'Demanded': 50000.0,
  'Paid': 30000.0,
  'A': 'Yes',
  'B': 'Yes',
  'C': 'Unknown',
  'D': 'Unknown',
  'Notes': 'Updated data'},
 {'Case #': 'NYC23-21456',
  'Parent Case #': 'NYC22-03333',
  'Name': 'Bob Marley Mon',
  'Demanded': 0.0,
  'Paid': 0.0,
  'A': 'Yes',
  'B': 'Yes',
  'C': 'Unknown',
  'D': 'Unknown',
  'Notes': nan},
 {'Case #': 'NYC23-21457',
  'Parent Case #': 'NYC22-03333',
  'Name': 'Bob Marley Jamaican Mon',
  'Demanded': 0.0,
  'Paid': 0.0,
  'A': 'Unknown',
  'B': 'Unknown',
  'C': 'Unknown',
  'D': 'Unknown',
  'Notes': 'Can it handle multiple children?'}]

df = pd.DataFrame(d)

I got this to work wherein each row has 0–1 child(ren). But once a row has 2 or more children, it breaks. I essentially followed this method but with some additional logic I’ve implemented, so that:

  • Prefer values with data over empty values
  • The A, B, C, D sample fields can have values Yes, No, or Unknown, and are preferred in that order whenever any of the rows (parent or child(ren)) has one of those values, which I’ve implemented in my prefer_yes function
  • Use max value in Demanded and Paid columns
  • Concatenate notes

My code works for merging rows with 0–1 child(ren) if you exclude the last row of the sample DataFrame.

def prefer_yes(parent, child):
    if parent == "Yes" or child == "Yes":
        return "Yes"
    elif parent == "No" or child == "No":
        return "No"

    return "Unknown"

# concat parent case number
mrg_df = pd.concat(
        df[df["Parent Case #"].isna()].set_index("Case #"),
        df.dropna(subset="Parent Case #")
        .set_index("Parent Case #")
        .pipe(lambda df_: df_.rename(columns={col: f"Child_{col}" for col in df_.columns})),

# set new values
mrg_df["Demanded"] = mrg_df[["Demanded", "Child_Demanded"]].max(axis=1)
mrg_df["Paid"] = mrg_df[["Paid", "Child_Paid"]].max(axis=1)
mrg_df["A"] = mrg_df[["A", "Child_A"]].apply(lambda x: prefer_yes(x["A"], x["Child_A"]), axis=1)
mrg_df["B"] = mrg_df[["B", "Child_B"]].apply(lambda x: prefer_yes(x["B"], x["Child_B"]), axis=1)
mrg_df["C"] = mrg_df[["C", "Child_C"]].apply(lambda x: prefer_yes(x["C"], x["Child_C"]), axis=1)
mrg_df["D"] = mrg_df[["D", "Child_D"]].apply(lambda x: prefer_yes(x["D"], x["Child_D"]), axis=1)
mrg_df["Notes"] = mrg_df["Notes"] + "; " + mrg_df["Child_Notes"].fillna("")

# cleanup
mrg_df = (
    mrg_df[[col for col in mrg_df.columns if not col.startswith("Child_")] + ["Child_Case #"]]
    .rename(columns={"index": "Case #"})

My question is how to adapt this to merge more than one child row so there is only one row per case number while applying this logic?

Expected output:


[{'Case #': 'CHI22-01234',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Abraham Lincoln',
  'Demanded': 5000.0,
  'Paid': 2000.0,
  'A': 'Yes',
  'B': 'No',
  'C': 'Yes',
  'D': 'Yes',
  'Notes': 'Honest Abe with his stovepipe hat; ',
  'Child_Case #': []},
 {'Case #': 'CHI22-01237',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Ebenezer Scrooge',
  'Demanded': 10000.0,
  'Paid': 9500.0,
  'A': 'Yes',
  'B': 'Yes',
  'C': 'No',
  'D': 'Yes',
  'Notes': 'What a scrooge!; Scrooge has an apartment in NYC',
  'Child_Case #': ['NYC21-02222']},
 {'Case #': 'NYC22-03333',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Bob Marley',
  'Demanded': 1000000.0,
  'Paid': 0.0,
  'A': 'Yes',
  'B': 'Yes',
  'C': 'Unknown',
  'D': 'Unknown',
  'Notes': 'He will send three ghosts; Can it handle multiple children?',
  'Child_Case #': ['NYC23-21456', 'NYC23-21457']},
 {'Case #': 'PHX21-01234',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Bob Cratchit',
  'Demanded': 500000.0,
  'Paid': 22000.0,
  'A': 'No',
  'B': 'Yes',
  'C': 'No',
  'D': 'No',
  'Notes': 'Jr. accountant; Promoted to Sr. accountant 12/14/2021',
  'Child_Case #': ['PHX21-01238']},
 {'Case #': 'LAX22-12345',
  'Parent Case #': nan,
  'Name': 'Kim Kardashian',
  'Demanded': 50000.0,
  'Paid': 30000.0,
  'A': 'Yes',
  'B': 'Yes',
  'C': 'Unknown',
  'D': 'Unknown',
  'Notes': 'Kim & Kanye for president; Updated data',
  'Child_Case #': ['LAX22-12349']}]

^^ Assumes child case numbers will be in a list but I am open to any method that works for that.

Asked By: Dan



I think you want something like:

cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
cat = pd.CategoricalDtype(categories=['Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'], ordered=True)
df[cols] = df[cols].astype(cat)

m = df['Parent Case #'].isna()
mrg_df = (df.loc[m, ['Case #', 'Parent Case #']]
         .rename(columns={'Case #': 'Child Case #', 'Parent Case #': 'Case #'})
         .groupby('Case #').agg({'Child Case #': list, 'Name': ';'.join, 'Demanded': 'sum', 'Paid': 'sum',
                                 'A': 'min', 'B': 'min', 'C': 'min', 'D': 'min',
                                 'Notes': lambda x: ';'.join(x.dropna())
        on='Case #', how='left')
mrg_df[cols] = pd.concat([df.loc[m, cols], mrg_df[cols]]).groupby(level=0).min()

mrg_df['Notes'] = (df.loc[m, 'Notes'] + '; ' + mrg_df['Notes']).fillna(df.loc[m, 'Notes'])



        Case # Parent Case #                Child Case #  
0  CHI22-01234           NaN                         NaN   
1  CHI22-01237           NaN               [NYC21-02222]   
2  NYC22-03333           NaN  [NYC23-21456, NYC23-21457]   
3  PHX21-01234           NaN               [PHX21-01238]   
4  LAX22-12345           NaN               [LAX22-12349]   

                                     Name  Demanded     Paid    A    B  
0                                     NaN       NaN      NaN  Yes   No   
1                        Ebenezer Scrooge       0.0   9500.0  Yes  Yes   
2  Bob Marley Mon;Bob Marley Jamaican Mon       0.0      0.0  Yes  Yes   
3                            Bob Cratchit  500000.0  22000.0   No  Yes   
4                          Kim Kardashian   50000.0  30000.0  Yes  Yes   

         C        D                                              Notes  
0      Yes      Yes                  Honest Abe with his stovepipe hat  
1       No      Yes   What a scrooge!; Scrooge has an apartment in NYC  
2  Unknown  Unknown                                                NaN  
3       No       No  He will send three ghosts; Promoted to Sr. acc...  
4  Unknown  Unknown                       Jr. accountant; Updated data  

UPDATED Solution (slight tweak of proposed answer):

cols = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
cat = pd.CategoricalDtype(categories=["Yes", "No", "Unknown"], ordered=True)
df[cols] = df[cols].astype(cat)

is_parent = df["Parent Case #"].isna()

df2 = df.copy()
df2['Merged Case #'] = df[['Parent Case #', 'Case #']].agg(lambda xs: xs.dropna()[0], axis=1)
df2['Parent Name'] = df.loc[is_parent, ['Name']]
df2 = df2 
    .rename(columns={"Case #": "Child Case #"}) 
    .rename(columns={"Merged Case #": "Case #"}) 
    .groupby("Case #").agg(
        "Child Case #": list,
        "Demanded": "max",
        "Paid": "max",
        "A": "min",
        "B": "min",
        "C": "min",
        "D": "min",
        "Notes": lambda x: '; '.join(x.dropna()),
        "Parent Name": lambda x: x.dropna(),
Answered By: mozway
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