Which CNN model is useful to estimate deviations from dataset?


I have dataset folders. there is x and y values(as expected and result) and also there is the result of deviation. I would like to develop a CNN algorithm, which can learn how to calculate those deviations from dataset. When I put the excel dataset, it should estimate the next dataset or deviations. Before that I worked on instance segmentation model but I have no idea about introducing dataset.

Is there any idea?

Asked By: dilara



To develop a CNN algorithm that can learn to calculate deviations from a dataset, you may need to follow these steps:

Preprocess and organize your dataset: Before you can use your dataset to train a CNN, you will need to preprocess it and organize it into a format that is suitable for training. This typically involves cleaning the data, removing any missing or invalid values, and splitting the data into training, validation, and test sets. You will also need to define the input and output variables for your CNN, which in this case are the x and y values and the deviation, respectively.

Define the architecture of your CNN: Once you have prepared your dataset, you will need to define the architecture of your CNN. This includes deciding on the number and size of the convolutional and pooling layers, the type of activation functions to use, and the number of neurons in the fully connected layers. You will also need to choose an optimizer and a loss function to use during training.

Train the CNN: Once you have defined the architecture of your CNN, you can use your training data to train the model. This involves feeding the input data through the CNN, computing the loss, and updating the model’s parameters to reduce the loss. You will typically need to train the model for several epochs, using a batch size that is appropriate for your dataset and hardware.

Evaluate the CNN: Once you have trained the CNN, you can use your validation and test data to evaluate its performance. This typically involves calculating metrics such as accuracy, precision, and recall, and comparing them to baseline benchmarks or other models.

Use the CNN to predict deviations: Once you have trained and evaluated the CNN, you can use it to predict deviations for new datasets. You can do this by feeding the input data through the CNN and using the output to estimate the deviation.

Keep in mind that developing a CNN for this task will likely involve some trial and error, and you may need to experiment with different architectures and hyperparameters to find the best model for your data. You may also need to use techniques such as data augmentation or regularization to improve the model’s generalization ability.

Answered By: Nicxzmiller Marcus