Can I using Google Sheet API only with API Key or using Client ID and Client secret, but without client_secret.json?


In this provided Python code in this quickstart, it using credentials.json such in this line:

flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file('credentials.json', SCOPES)

I have enabled the Sheet and Drive API. I created credentials from the APIs & Services menu, then on the Credentials tab, click on the CREATE CREDENTIALS button, then click on the OAuth client ID, and on the Application type I selected the Desktop app, then I download its JSON file, then set the credentials.json file to the right path, like this:

flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file('', SCOPES)

Then, when I run the quickstart code above, it shows a new browser pop-up that requires me to log in. After successfully login, yea, I can run the Python code successfully without any error.

But I don’t want a new pop-up that requires me to log in first.

So my question:
Can I use Google Sheet API only with my credentials Client ID and Client secret
enter image description here

or only with API Key

enter image description here

If we can do it, how to do it? is there any documentation on how to achieve that?

Asked By: Tri



open the credentials.jsom file it contains your clie id and client secret.

In order to access private user data you need the users permission.

If the sheet is set to public and you only need read access then yes you could use an api key.

However if the sheet is private you need permission.

my question is do you own this sheet if you the developer own the sheet you could use a service account which would mean you won’t need to request authorization.

If this is a sheet owned by a user of your application then you need to use Oauth2 to request permission of the user to access it this requires the client id and client secret.

Answered By: DaImTo

As @Tanaike suggests, I use the Google Service Account instead. It doesn’t require me to login into a browser pop-up anymore. I can access private and public spreadsheets, not only public sheets if using API like mentioned by @daimto.

On how to create the service account and get the JSON file you can follow the instruction on my question here.

For example to create a new spreadsheet I use this code:

from apiclient import discovery
from google.oauth2 import service_account

def create_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_title)
    scopes = [

    # Open the JSON file that you have downloaded from the service account, and paste it here.
    service_account_json_credentials = {
          "type": "service_account",
          "project_id": "odoo-spreadsheet-371808",
          "private_key_id": "321ee08baexample6ae125918examplea69ddbec64",
          "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----n",
          "client_email": "[email protected]",
          "client_id": "101569example94608",
          "auth_uri": "",
          "token_uri": "",
          "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
          "client_x509_cert_url": ""

    credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(service_account_json_credentials, scopes=scopes)
    spreadsheet_service ='sheets', 'v4', credentials=credentials)

    spreadsheet = {
        'properties': {
            'title': spreadsheet_title
    creation_response = spreadsheet_service.spreadsheets().create(body=spreadsheet, fields='spreadsheetId').execute()

    spreadsheet_id = creation_response.get('spreadsheetId')
    return spreadsheet_id
create_spreadsheet('a new apreadsheet')

Hope this can help someone who facing a similar or wants to achieve the same things. Again, thank you to @Tanaike and everyone that has been taking your time to shed some light on the case I’m facing.

Answered By: Tri