How to get listdir of a path with it path


i want this

>>> from os import listdir
>>> listdir(g:/new folder)
[g:/new folder/file 1, g:/new folder/file 2]

but i’m getting this

>>> from os import listdir
>>> listdir(g:/new folder)
[file 1, file 2]
Asked By: Frost Dream



import os

directory = "g:/new folder"
files = os.listdir(directory)
files_with_path = [directory+"/"+filename for filename in files]

It should do the trick given the doc, you could also look at the glob package

Answered By: BDurand

Use os.scandir function to get full path for each entry:

import  os

for f in os.scandir('your_path'):
Answered By: RomanPerekhrest
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