Why pandas deprecation of iteritems() is influencing the pd.DataFrame().columns?


I have a code that is using pandas everywhere. In various instances, wheather I am using Series or just calling .columns method, I receive this warning:

C:Program FilesJetBrainsPyCharm Community Edition 2021.2.3pluginspython-cehelperspydev_pydevd_bundlepydevd_utils.py:609: FutureWarning: iteritems is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use .items instead.
  for item in s.iteritems():

I am not using iteritems() directly. Why do I have this warning message?

Should I worry about it? Will my code be compatible with future versions?

Asked By: Pasha Koprov



This is the future warning, and as suggested, use s.items() instead of s.iteritems()

Answered By: Gilseung Ahn

You may not use the iteritems() directly, but your code refers to a library which does, in pydevd_utils.py

If it works, there is nothing to worry about for the current version, but of course this won’t be future proof and will fail e.g. if you install pandas 2.0.0.

Answered By: shiftyscales