How can I print a day and a time using Python strftime?


how can I print a day and a time using Python strftime? My code is below, but any time I run it, I get "ValueError: time data ‘1 day, 2:45:00’ does not match format ‘%H:%M:%S’"
I want the output to be 1 day, 2:45:00, so that it can be a valid datetime object.

from datetime import datetime

actualTime = '1 day, 2:45:00'
strpTime = datetime.strptime(f"{actualTime}", "%H:%M:%S")
fomtTime = strpTime.strftime("%I:%M %p")
Asked By: Baboucarr Badjie



'%d day, %H:%M:%S'

You can use this format instead.

Answered By: inthewest