How to print a text with an emoji together using Python in and I don't know why I am getting this error


This is what I am trying to do
[This is my try on it. I don’t know why there is an error. I don’t know how to print a text with an emoji.]

December 30th 2022
I am signing up for Replit's 100 days of Python 
I will make sure to spend some time every day coding
along, for a minimum of 10 minute a day.
I'll be using Replit, an amazing online IDE so I can do 
this from my phone wherever I happen to be. No excuses
for not coding from the middle of a field!
print("I am feeling") 
print("You can follow my progress at") --- Line 14

File "", line 15
    print("You can follow my progress at")
SyntaxError: EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal

Thank you.

I am trying different ways to expect it to work. Trying and trying until it will hopefully work

Asked By: R1cHL3



this from my phone wherever I happen to be. No excuses
for not coding from the middle of a field!

This is the problem. There should be three quotes on that last line, not two.

Answered By: John Gordon