Trying to iterate through a list of dictionaries


I have json list. I would like to iterate "PrivateIP" through a list of dirctories and append to the empty list:

here’s the code:

InstanceId = []
message = [{"SNowTicket":"RITM00001","ServerIPList":[{"PrivateIP":"", "HostName":"ip-182-0-0-0.ec2.internal", "Region":"us-east-1", "AccountID":"12345678"}, {"PrivateIP": "", "HostName": "ip-182-1-1-1.ec2.internal", "Region": "us-east-1", "AccountID": "12345678"}],"Operation":"stop","id":"text-123"}]

for i in message:
    for key in i:
        print(key, i[key])

output of the code:

It gives the values for all the keys. But i would only want the values for "ServerIPList" and iterate its values "PrivateIP"

SNowTicket RITM00001
ServerIPList [{'PrivateIP': '', 'HostName': 'ip-182-0-0-0.ec2.internal', 'Region': 'us-east-1', 'AccountID': '12345678'}, {'PrivateIP': '', 'HostName': 'ip-182-1-1-1.ec2.internal', 'Region': 'us-east-1', 'AccountID': '12345678'}]
Operation stop
id text-123

i want to iterate the values for "PrivateIP" inside the dict of "ServerIPList" and append their values in the empty list "InstanceIds"

InstanceId = ["", ""]
Asked By: shailysharma



for accessing the contents of the list message, we have to iterate through it for i in message:.

for accessing the ServerIPList in every i we have to make another for loop, i.e. for j in i['ServerIPList']

Then we can finally append the privateIP in the empty list.

The whole code for the same is as follows:

for i in message:    
    for j in i['ServerIPList']:
Answered By: vivek
for key in message[0].keys():
    if (key == "ServerIPList"):
        for i in message[0][key]:
            for key1 in i.keys():
                if (key1 == "PrivateIP"):
# print instanceID