Python OpenGL glRotatef does not rotate the correct amount


I use Pycharm and coupled OpenGL with pygame.
I have a problem with the OpenGL method glRotatef. It seems like it does not rotate the right amount. I have a class which has the 3-dimensional coordinates xPos,yPos,zPos. The class is drawn with this method:

def draw(self):
    OpenGL.GL.glTranslate(self.xPos, self.yPos, self.zPos)
    OpenGL.GL.glRotatef(self.remindturn, 0, 1, 0)
    OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(self.xPos-100, self.yPos+50, self.zPos)
    OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(self.xPos + 100, self.yPos + 50, self.zPos)
    OpenGL.GL.glVertex3f(self.xPos, self.yPos -50, self.zPos)

remindturn is defined by this method:

def remindtheturn(self):
    if self.keypressed == True :
        self.remindturn = self.mouseturnX

keypressed is defined by this method:

def feel(self , event):
    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN :
        if event.key == pygame.K_w :
            self.keypressed = True
    if event.type == pygame.KEYUP :
        if event.key == pygame.K_w :
            self.keypressed = False

mouseturnX and mouseturnY are defined that way:

def mouseturn(self):
    mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    if mouse_pos[0] > 250 :
        self.mouseturnX = (mouse_pos[0] - 250) * 0.1
    if mouse_pos[0] < 250 :
        self.mouseturnX = (-250 + mouse_pos[0])*0.1
    if mouse_pos[1] > 250 :
        self.mouseturnY = -(mouse_pos[1] -250) *0.5
    if mouse_pos[1] < 250 :
        self.mouseturnY = -(-250 + mouse_pos[1])*0.5

This all leads to the camera method. The camera has the coordinates xCam, yCam, and zCam.

def camera(self):
    self.xCam = math.sin(self.mouseturnX) * self.camdist + self.xPos
    self.yCam = self.yPos + self.mouseturnY
    self.zCam = math.cos(self.mouseturnX) * self.camdist + self.zPos
    OpenGL.GL.glViewport(0,0, 500, 500)
    OpenGL.GLU.gluPerspective(60, (500/500), 0.1, 10000.0)
    OpenGL.GLU.gluLookAt(self.xCam, self.yCam, self.zCam, self.xPos, self.yPos, self.zPos, 0, 1, 0)

Following maths, the drawn object should always face the camera, when the key w is pressed. But it does not do so. It rotates, but not in the right amount.

I tried multiplying remindturn with 45, 90, 180, 270 and 360 and other famous angle numbers, nothing worked. I even translated the object back to the origin after rotating it, it did not help. I tried tan and atan as functions on the numbers I mentioned before, I even tried Pi. I do not know what is wrong with this code. I used the math behind this in Processing long ago, there it worked completely fine.

Asked By: programming_noob



It needs a multiplicator for remindturn = mouseturnX*multiplicator. The multiplicator is 56.5. It is not perfect, but it works.

Answered By: programming_noob
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