Call of class in python with attributes


I made a typo with the __init__() in line 23, but my program runs only with this failure and shows the right result. Could some experienced OOP expert help me please.

If I correct this tripple underscore ___init__() to the correct on __init__(file_path) I get this ERROR for Line 53:

con = Contact('dummy.xml')
TypeError: Contact.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

Here is a dunmy.xml for test:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
  <phonebook name="Telefonbuch">
        <realName>Dummy, Name, Street</realName>
      <telephony nid="1">
        <number type="work" prio="1" id="0">012345678</number>
      <services />
      <setup />
      <features doorphone="0" />       
      <!-- <mod_time>1587477163</mod_time> -->          
        <realName>Foto Name</realName>
      <telephony nid="1">
        <number type="home" prio="1" id="0">067856743</number>           
      <services />       
      <setup /> 
      <features doorphone="0" />   

And here my program which work with the TYPO:

import psutil
import timeit

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

class Phonebook:
    def __init__(self, file_path):
        """Split tree in contact branches """
        self.file_path = file_path
    def contacts_list(self, file_path):    
        contacts = []
        events =('start','end','start-ns','end-ns')
        for event, elem in ET.iterparse(self.file_path, events=events):
            if event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'contact':
                contact = elem
        return contacts
class Contact(Phonebook):
    def ___init__(file_path):       # Here is a Failure !!!
    def search_node(self, contact, searched_tag):
        contact_template =['category','person', 'telephony', 'services', 'setup', 'features', 'mod_time', 'uniqueid' ]
        node_tag_list = []
        list_difference = []
        search_list = []
        for node in contact:
            if node.tag not in node_tag_list:
        for element in contact_template:
            if element not in node_tag_list:
        for node in contact:
            if node.tag == searched_tag and node.tag not in list_difference:
                if len(list_difference) != 0 and searched_tag in list_difference:
                    message = self.missed_tag(list_difference)
                    if message not in search_list:
        return  search_list
    def missed_tag(self, list_difference):
        for m in list_difference:
            message = f'{m} - not assigned'
            return message
def main():
    con = Contact('dummy.xml')
    contacts = con.contacts_list('dummy.xml')
    mod_time_list =[]
    for contact in contacts:
        mod_time = con.search_node(contact, 'mod_time')
if __name__ == '__main__':
    """ Input XML file definition """
    # Getting % usage of virtual_memory ( 3rd field)
    print('RAM memory % used:', psutil.virtual_memory()[2])
    # Getting usage of virtual_memory in GB ( 4th field)
    print('RAM Used (GB):', psutil.virtual_memory()[3]/1000000000)
    print("Runtime:", timeit.default_timer()-starttime)

Could someone explain me, whats going wrong, please.

Asked By: Paul-ET



It works with the typo because you never need to call ___init__, and since Contact.__init__ isn’t defined, Phonebook.__init__ seems to be sufficient for what you were trying to do with Contact.__init__, assuming the definition you were looking for is

def __init__(self, file_path):
Answered By: chepner
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