How to unmerge multiple cells and transpose each value into a new column in Pandas dataframe from Excel file


This has 4 to 5 merged cells, blank cells. I need to get them in a format where a column is created for each merged cell.

Please find the link for Sample file and also the output required below.

Link :

Code so far:

dfs = pd.read_excel('/Users/john/Desktop/Internal/Raw Files/Med/TVS/sample.xlsx',sheet_name=None, header=[0,4], index_col=[0,1])

df_2 = (pd.concat([df.stack(0).assign(name=n) for n,df in dfs.items()])
          .rename_axis(index=['Date','WK','Brand','A_B','Foo_Foos','Cur','Units'], columns=None)

How do I create multiple column in the above code? Right now I’m getting the below error:

ValueError: Length of names must match number of levels in MultiIndex.
Asked By: anagha s



Try this:

df = pd.read_excel("Sample_File.xlsx", header=[0,1,2,3,4,5], index_col = [0,1])
Answered By: sammywemmy