Apache Beam – ReadFromText safely (pass over errors)


I have a simple Apache Beam pipeline which reads compressed bz2 files and writes them out to text files.

import apache_beam as beam

p1 = beam.Pipeline()

        | 'read' >> beam.io.ReadFromText('bad_file.bz2')
        | 'write' >> beam.io.WriteToText('file_out.txt')


The problem is when the pipeline encounters a bad file (example). In this case, most of my bad files are malformed, not in bz2 format or simply empty, which confuses the decompressor, causing an OSError: Invalid data stream.

How can I tell ReadFromText to pass on these?

Asked By: John F



You may want to filter your files and then use apache_beam.io.textio.ReadAllFromText.

For example

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.io import fileio
from apache_beam.io import filesystem
from apache_beam.io import filesystems
import bz2

def is_valid_bz2(path):
        with filesystems.open(path, filesystem.CompressionTypes.BZ2) as handle:
            return True
    except Exception:
        return False

with beam.Pipeline() as p:

     | 'match' >> fileio.MatchFiles("/path/to/*.bz2")
     | 'filter' >> beam.Filter(lambda m: is_valid_bz2(m.path))
     | 'read' >> beam.io.textio.ReadAllFromText()
     | 'write' >> beam.io.WriteToText('file_out.txt'))

Here is_valid_bz2 yses the filesystems utilities to be able to read from all supported filesystems.

Answered By: robertwb