How to scrape last string of <p> tag element?


To start, python is my first language I am learning.
I am scraping a website for rent prices across my city and I am using BeautifulSoup to get the price data, but I am unable to get the value of this


Here is the tag:

<p><strong class="hidden show-mobile-inline">Monthly Rent: </strong>2,450 +</p>

Here is my code:

text = soup.find_all("div", {"class", "plan-group rent"})
for item in text:
    rent = item.find_all("p")
    for price in rent:

I also tried:

text = soup.find_all("div", {"class", "plan-group rent"})
for item in text:
    rent = item.find_all("p")
    for price in rent:
        items = price.find_all("strong")
        for item in items:

and that works to print out "Monthly Rent:" but I don’t understand why I can’t get the actual price. The above code shows me that the monthly rent is in the strong tag, which means that the p tag only contains the price which is what I want.

Asked By: Tyler Benton



Technically your content has two children

<p><strong class="hidden show-mobile-inline">Monthly Rent: </strong>2,450 +</p>

A strong tag

<strong class="hidden show-mobile-inline">Monthly Rent: </strong>

and a string

2,450 +

The string method in beautiful soup only takes one argument so its going to return None. In order to get the second string you need to use the stripped_strings generator.

Answered By: Kyrony

As mentioned by @kyrony there are two children in your <p> – Cause you select the <strong> you will only get one of the texts.

You could use different approaches stripped_strings:


or contents


or with recursive argument

soup.p.find(text=True, recursive=False)


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = '''<p><strong class="hidden show-mobile-inline">Monthly Rent: </strong>2,450 +</p>'''
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

Answered By: HedgeHog