Selenium on Colab: Wrong results from text extraction in Python


When I am using Chromedriver in Python to scrape a certain website I only get wrong results if I am running the script via Colab. If I am using Spyder for example everything seems to work fine.

It seems to me, that Selenium is still finding the right elements, but it extracts weird numbers, which I can find nowhere on the website.

Website with results:
Website with desired numbers (

What Colab returns:
Results from Colab(

Website: ";2"

I am using this function to test:

def fi(a):
    driver.find_element("xpath", a).text
    return False

And this one to get the text:

def ffi(a):
if fi(a) != False :
    return driver.find_element("xpath", a).text

And this is the full code


for j in range(1,15):
book= ffi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//p)[1]'.format(j))

if fi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//p)[2]//preceding-sibling::a'.format(j))==False:
    Odd_1=ffi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//p)[2]'.format(j))
    Odd_1=fi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//a)[5]'.format(j))
if fi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//p)[3]//preceding-sibling::a'.format(j))==False:
    Odd_X=ffi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//p)[3]'.format(j))
    Odd_X=ffi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//a)[6]'.format(j))       

if fi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//p)[4]//preceding-sibling::a'.format(j))==False:
    Odd_2=ffi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//p)[4]'.format(j))
    Odd_2=ffi('((//*[starts-with(@class,"flex text-xs max")])[{}]//a)[7]'.format(j))

ab= (ffi('//div[contains(@class,"flex items-center w-full h-auto")]//p'))
bc=(ffi('(//div[contains(@class,"flex px")]//child::div)[3]'))       
print(book, Odd_1, Odd_X, Odd_2,ab ,bc)

Once again it is working fine on spyder

EDIT: I have run this code via Replit, so I can see the Webpage. It turns out, that for some reason THE WHOLE SITE is being loaded with wrong values. So basiccaly the code is fine, but the website is wrong. I am more confused than ever.


Asked By: Benjamin Fuchs



Your IP and language identifictors might change when using Google Colab. This might cause inconsistency or different page layouts.

Try screenshotting and getting the page-source and compare to your local tests.
Also ckeck, if you locator still matches up with the page-sourcode in colab

Also make shure, that you’re using the same browser.

Answered By: kaliiiiiiiii