Is the DataLoader object an iterable object?


This is the code

import torch
import torchvision
from import Dataset, DataLoader
import numpy as np
import math

# creating a custom class for our dataset, which inherits from Dataset.
class WineDataset(Dataset):

    # this function is used for data loading
    def __init__(self):
      # data loading
      xy = np.loadtxt('./wine.csv', delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32, skiprows=1)
      self.x = torch.from_numpy(xy[:, 1:])  # the first column is the output label
      self.y = torch.from_numpy(xy[:, [0]]) # n_samples, 1
      self.n_samples = xy.shape[0]

    # this function allows indexing in our dataset
    def __getitem__(self, index):
      return self.x[index], self.y[index] # the function returns a tuple.

    # this allows us to call len on our dataset.
    def __len__(self):
      return self.n_samples

dataset = WineDataset()
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=4, shuffle=True, num_workers=2)

dataiter = iter(dataloader)
data = next(dataiter)
features, labels = data
print(features, labels)

My question is that since, we can already call the enumerate method directly on the dataloader, does it mean that the dataloader object is an iterable ?
If this is true, then calling iter(dataloader) would be the same as creating an iterator object from an iterator object ?

I’m a bit confused about this please help me out.

I need to know what the enumerate method is doing behind the scenes when dataloader is passed as an argument. Also need to know what iter(dataloader) is doing.

Asked By: Suryansh Sinha



Iterable is something which implements __iter__ method. Iterator is something which implements __next__ method. Both iter() and enumerate() call the __iter___ method of the class. for example

class A: # this is an iterable
    def __iter__(self):
        print ('iter called at A')
        return B()
class B: # this is an iterator
    def __next__(self):
        print( 'next called at B')
        return 1

Note, any object of class B is an iterator because it implements __next__ but its not an iterable becuase it doesn’t have __iter__ method. Similarly, any object of class A is an iterable but not an iterator.

Run it,

a = A()

create an iterator

b = iter(a)
iter called at A
type(b)=<class '__main__.B'>

calling next() on iterator b

next called at B

can’t call next() on iterable a

TypeError: 'A' object is not an iterator

We can do a for loop on a

for i in a:
iter called at A
next called at B

Can’t do a for loop on b

for i in b:
TypeError: 'B' object is not iterable

Now, call enumerate

c = enumerate(a)
iter called at A
type(c)=<class 'enumerate'>

Can do a for loop on c as well as call next()

next called at B
(0, 1)
for i in c:
next called at B
(1, 1)

So the enumerate class is both an iterator and an iterable because it has both __iter__ and __next__ methods. You can check this by calling dir(c).

When we call enumerate on a Dataloader, its __iter__ method is called. Looking at the signature of __iter__ function in pytorch source code:

class DataLoader(Generic[T_co]):
    def __iter__(self) -> '_BaseDataLoaderIter':

This _BaseDataLoaderIter class implements both __iter__ and __next__, so its both an iterable and an iterator.

class _BaseDataLoaderIter(object):
    def __iter__(self) -> '_BaseDataLoaderIter':
        return self

    def __next__(self) -> Any:
        return data

So you can call both enumerate() and iter() on Dataloader and can even do for loops. You can check source code in your python directly somewhere at

Answered By: Nelson aka SpOOKY
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