How to create an interactive 3D scatter plot with data imported from a CSV file using Plotly library in Python?


In an answer to this question, I would expect to see a clear and well-organized code that demonstrates how to create an interactive 3D scatter plot with data imported from a CSV file using the Plotly library in Python. The code should be well commented, and should demonstrate how to import the necessary libraries, load the data from the CSV file, create the 3D scatter plot, and display the chart. It should also demonstrate how to customize the plot to suit the needs of the user.

Additionally, the answer should explain each step of the process in clear and simple language.

Asked By: Kamila Dratwa



To create an interactive 3D scatter plot with data imported from a CSV file using the Plotly library in Python, you can use the following code:

  • Import the necessary libraries:

     import plotly.graph_objs as go
     import pandas as pd
  • Load the data from the CSV file into a variable:

     data = pd.read_csv('your_data.csv')
  • Create a Scatter3d object with the data and set the appropriate
    properties, such as the title and axis labels:

     trace = go.Scatter3d(
    layout = go.Layout(
     scene = dict(
         xaxis = dict(title = 'x'),
         yaxis = dict(title = 'y'),
         zaxis = dict(title = 'z')
     title='Interactive 3D Scatter Plot'
  • Create a Figure object with the trace and layout:

     fig = go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout)
  • Display the chart using the show() method from the Plotly library:

This code creates an interactive 3D scatter plot with data imported from a CSV file that can be panned and zoomed. But remember you will probably have to customize it so its suits your needs – you can add a legend, change the style of the points etc.