ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 1: TypeError: Don't know how to convert parameter 1


my code..

import ctypes
import win32security

h_token = win32security.OpenProcessToken(ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCurrentProcess(), win32security.TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS)

lpApplicationName = ctypes.c_wchar_p(rf"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe")
lpCommandLine = ctypes.c_wchar_p("")
dwCreationFlags = 0x00000010
lpEnvironment = None
lpProcessAttributes = None
lpThreadAttributes = None
bInheritHandles = False

ctypes.windll.advapi32.CreateProcessWithTokenW(h_token, 0, lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, None, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles)

my output…

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testx.py", line 96, in <module>
    ctypes.windll.advapi32.CreateProcessWithTokenW(h_token, 0, lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, None, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles)
ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 1: TypeError: Don't know how to convert parameter 1

how i can fix it? what i’m doing wrong?, thanks for read and help 🙂

Asked By: zzzzzzd



The token returned by win32security.OpenProcessToken is a PyHANDLE object. Use int(h_token) to get a value that ctypes will accept. Note that you should set the .argtypes and .restype of a ctypes function or parameters and return value may not convert properly from Python to C.

Answered By: Mark Tolonen

It’s not a good idea to mix libraries / tools / frameworks, when things can be done in one of them. In this case:

At 1st glance, this situation seems to be one of the exceptions, as CreateProcessWithTokenW is not wrapped by PyWin32.

I played a bit with your code after fixing some errors:

but I couldn’t get it to work (got ERROR_TOKEN_ALREADY_IN_USE). Note that I didn’t spend much time investigating (adjusting the token privileges, …), because I paid more attention to what [MS.Learn]: CreateProcessWithTokenW function (winbase.h) states:

The process that calls CreateProcessWithTokenW must have the SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME privilege. If this function fails with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD (1314), use the CreateProcessAsUser or CreateProcessWithLogonW function instead.


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

import win32api as wapi
import win32con as wcon
import win32process as wproc
import win32security as wsec

def main(*argv):
    token = wsec.OpenProcessToken(wproc.GetCurrentProcess(), wsec.TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS)
    #print(wsec.GetTokenInformation(token, wsec.TokenType))
    app_name = "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"
    creation_flags = wcon.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE
    si = wproc.STARTUPINFO()

    hproc, hthr, pid, tid = wproc.CreateProcessAsUser(token, app_name, None,
        None, None, 0, creation_flags,
        None, None, si)

    print("New PId: {:d}".format(pid))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}n".format(" ".join(elem.strip() for elem in sys.version.split("n")),
                                                   64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
    rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])


[cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:WorkDevStackOverflowq075358233]> "e:WorkDevVEnvspy_pc064_03.10_test0Scriptspython.exe" ./code00.py
Python 3.10.9 (tags/v3.10.9:1dd9be6, Dec  6 2022, 20:01:21) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] 064bit on win32

New PId: 20512


And a new Cmd window popped up. Note that my user has full administrative (God like) privileges.

Similar situations:

Answered By: CristiFati