How to Load the Earnings Calendar data from TradingView link and into Dataframe


I want to load the Earnings Calendar data from TradingView link and load into Dataframe.

Filter-1: Data for "This Week"

enter image description here

I am not able to select the Tab "This Week". Any help ?

Asked By: Rohit



I noticed that there are few hidden columns characterized by the class i-hidden. So as first thing we select only the visible columns with the css selector :not([class*=i-hidden]). Then we get the attribute data-field of these columns, so that we can select the corresponding values in the rows. Examples of values for this attribute are


Next we get the header of the table and the rows. Then we loop over the data-field to get all the cell values in each column. Finally we create a dataframe from a dictionary having the header as keys and the columns as values.

visible_columns = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ' thead th:not([class*=i-hidden])')
data_field = [c.get_attribute('data-field') for c in visible_columns]
header = [c.text.split('n')[0] for c in visible_columns]
rows = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[@class='tv-screener__content-pane']//tbody/tr")
columns = []

for field in data_field:
    column = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, f"//div[@class='tv-screener__content-pane']//tbody/tr/td[@data-field-key='{field}']")
    columns.append([col.text.replace('n',' - ') for col in column])

pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(header, columns)))


enter image description here

Answered By: sound wave