How do I create a 16-bit grayscale image from my array dataset


I want to convert a height map from NASA database into an image file. There is already a bit about this on the net and that helped me to read the file into an array and it looks like this:

data = [(113.0, 39.0, 1242), (113.00027777777778, 39.0, 1231), (113.00055555555555, 39.0, 1232), (113.00083333333333, 39.0, 1239), (113.00111111111111, 39.0, 1244), ...]

So I have an array with all the data according to the data pattern

tupel = [longitude, latitude, height] 

the width and height are both 3601 long.

print (data[1800][1800])

returns the tupel: (113.5, 39.5, 2032)

and that’s fine. It is exactly the center of the dataset which goes from longitude 39 to 40 and from latitude 113 to 114. I don’t think I will need longitude and latitude because I know that the data set is 3601 x 3601 in size. The valuable information is in the last value, the height. In my example here the 2032.

My question now is: How do i get the data set data = [rows, columns, [longitude, latitude, height] ] to a 16 bit grayscale image. As mentioned, longitude and latitude are not relevant. Do I have to first make the dataset something like data = [rows, columns, heights] so filter out longitude and latitude? before I can further process the image file?

And how exactly do I create a 16-bit grayscale image file in png from this?

Asked By: Spiri



We may convert the data to NumPy array, and use few NumPy data operation:

  • Convert data to NumPy array
    array shape is supposed to be 3601*3601 rows by 3 columns:

     arr = np.array(data)
  • Keep only the altitude (height) data:

     alt = arr[:, 2]
  • Reshape the long column to 3601 x 3601:

     alt = alt.reshape(height, width)
  • Clip alt to range [0, 65535], round and convert to np.uint16:

     alt = alt.clip(0, np.iinfo(np.uint16).max).round().astype(np.uint16)

Here is a code sample with 4×4 image instead of 3601×3601:

import numpy as np
import cv2

width, height = 4, 4  # Test 4x4 image instead of 3601x3601

data = [(113.0, 39.0, 1242), (113.00027777777778, 39.0, 1231), (113.00055555555555, 39.0, 1232), (113.00083333333333, 39.0, 1239), (113.00111111111111, 39.0, 1244), 
        (1113.0, 139.0, 11242), (1113.00027777777778, 139.0, 11231), (1113.00055555555555, 139.0, 11232), (1113.00083333333333, 139.0, 1239), (1113.00111111111111, 139.0, 11244),
        (2113.0, 239.0, 21242), (2113.00027777777778, 239.0, 21231), (2113.00055555555555, 239.0, 21232), (2113.00083333333333, 239.0, 21239), (2113.00111111111111, 39.0, 1244), (2113.00111111111111, 239.0, 21244)]

arr = np.array(data)  # arr shape is 16 rows by 3 columns.

alt = arr[:, 2]  # Keep only the altitude (height) data (16 rows).

assert alt.size == width*height  # Make sure the number of elements is correct.

alt = alt.reshape(height, width)  # Reshape alt to 4x4.

alt = alt.clip(0, np.iinfo(np.uint16).max).round().astype(np.uint16)  # Clip alt to range [0, 65535], round and convert to uint16

cv2.imwrite('alt.png', alt)  # Save alt as 16-bit grayscale image file in PNG format.

The above code is based on your description of the dataset.
The solution may require minor adjustments to work with the actual dataset.

Answered By: Rotem