Multiply tensors containing matrices, following matrix multiplication rule


Say I have a tensor, where A, B, C, and D are all 2×2 matrices:

M = [[A, B],
     [C, D]]

How do I get to the power of n, for example with n=2, with Python or MATLAB

M^2 = [[A@A + B@C, A@B + B@D],
       [C@A + D@C, C@B + D@D]]

Here the power just follows the normal matrix multiplication rule; it’s just that the elements are matrices themselves. I tried matmul, matrix_power, and pagemtimes, but nothing works.

Asked By: Kim Dong



Probably not the most efficient, but here’s a manual solution:

M = np.random.randint(0, 10, (2, 2, 2, 2))

def matmatmul(a, b):
    output = np.zeros((a.shape[0], b.shape[1]), dtype = object)
    for i in range(output.shape[0]):
        for j in range(output.shape[1]):
            row = a[i]
            col = b[:, j]
            output[i,j] = sum([r @ c for r,c in zip(row, col)])
    return output

def matmatpow(a, n):
    if n == 1:
        return a
        output = matmatmul(a, a)
        for i in range(2, n):
            output = matmatmul(output, a)
        return output
M2 = matmatpow(M, 2)


[[A, B], [C, D]] = M

assert np.all(M2[0,0] == A@A + B@C)
assert np.all(M2[0,1] == A@B + B@D)
assert np.all(M2[1,0] == C@A + D@C)
assert np.all(M2[1,1] == C@B + D@D)
Answered By: Michael Cao

Defining a set of (2,2) arrays, and their composite:

In [45]: A,B,C,D = [np.arange(i,i+4).reshape(2,2) for i in range(4)]    
In [46]: M=np.array([[A,B],[C,D]])

Your desired M^2 array:

In [47]: np.array([[A@A + B@C, A@B + B@D],
    ...:       [C@A + D@C, C@B + D@D]])
array([[[[12, 16],
         [28, 40]],

        [[16, 20],
         [40, 52]]],

       [[[28, 40],
         [44, 64]],

        [[40, 52],
         [64, 84]]]])

The same thing using einsum. In this j and l are the sum-of-products dimensions:

In [48]: np.einsum('ijkl,jmln->imkn',M,M)
array([[[[12, 16],
         [28, 40]],

        [[16, 20],
         [40, 52]]],

       [[[28, 40],
         [44, 64]],

        [[40, 52],
         [64, 84]]]])

matmul is the equivalent of ‘ijkl,ijlm->ijkm’, where ij are batch dimensions, and l is the sum-of-products. Often an einsum can be reproduced with some reshape and generalized transposing. But I’ll leave that for someone else to explore.

Playing around with the einsum indices and transposing and reshaping the arrays, I can get the equivalent of:

In [56]: np.matmul(M.transpose(0,2,1,3).reshape(4,4),M.transpose(0,2,1,3).reshape(4,4))
array([[12, 16, 16, 20],
       [28, 40, 40, 52],
       [28, 40, 40, 52],
       [44, 64, 64, 84]])

which with a bit more massaging becomes the desired (4,4,4,4)

In [57]: np.matmul(M.transpose(0,2,1,3).reshape(4,4),M.transpose(0,2,1,3).reshape(4,4)).reshape(2,2,2,2).transpose(0,2,1,3)
array([[[[12, 16],
         [28, 40]],

        [[16, 20],
         [40, 52]]],

       [[[28, 40],
         [44, 64]],

        [[40, 52],
         [64, 84]]]])
Answered By: hpaulj

You are just computing the normal matrix product of the 4×4 block matrix created by joining the smaller matrices A through D.

In MATLAB, your expected result using some arbitrary matrices:

A = [1, 2
     3, 4];
B = [5, 6
     7, 8];
C = [ 9, 10
     11, 12];
D = [13, 14
     15, 16];

res = [A*A + B*C, A*B + B*D
       C*A + D*C, C*B + D*D]
res =
   118   132   174   188
   166   188   254   276
   310   356   494   540
   358   412   574   628

The 4×4 block matrix, and its square:

M = [A, B
     C, D];
res2 = M^2
res2 =
   118   132   174   188
   166   188   254   276
   310   356   494   540
   358   412   574   628
Answered By: Cris Luengo