ImportError: cannot import name 'OrderedDict' from 'typing'


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    import tensorflow as tf
  File "", line 37, in <module>
    from import module_util as _module_util
  File "", line 42, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python import data
  File "", line 21, in <module>
    from import experimental
  File "", line 96, in <module>
    from import service
  File "", line 419, in <module>
    from import distribute
  File "", line 25, in <module>
    from import dataset_ops
  File "", line 29, in <module>
    from import iterator_ops
  File "", line 34, in <module>
    from import BaseSaverBuilder
  File "", line 32, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.checkpoint import checkpoint_management
  File "", line 3, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.checkpoint import checkpoint_view
  File "", line 19, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.checkpoint import trackable_view
  File "", line 20, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.trackable import converter
  File "", line 18, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.eager.polymorphic_function import saved_model_utils
  File "", line 36, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.trackable import resource
  File "", line 22, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function
  File "", line 20, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.eager.polymorphic_function.polymorphic_function import set_dynamic_variable_creation
  File "", line 76, in <module>
    from tensorflow.python.eager.polymorphic_function import function_spec as function_spec_lib
  File "", line 25, in <module>
    from tensorflow.core.function.polymorphism import function_type as function_type_lib
  File "", line 19, in <module>
    from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, OrderedDict
ImportError: cannot import name 'OrderedDict' from 'typing' (

Process finished with exit code 1

I got this error while trying to install and run tensorflow for gpu following this tutorial
I have python 3.7.4
What am I doing wrong here, is it a version issue?

Asked By: Jerome P.



According to []: class typing.OrderedDict(collections.OrderedDict, MutableMapping[KT, VT]) (emphasis is mine):

New in version 3.7.2.


(base) [cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:WorkDevStackOverflowq075529492]> sopr.bat
### Set shorter prompt to better fit when pasted in StackOverflow (or other) pages ###

[prompt]> conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  f:Installpc064AnacondaAnacondaVersion
py_pc032_03_06_02        f:Installpc064AnacondaAnacondaVersionenvspy_pc032_03_06_02
py_pc064_03_06_02        f:Installpc064AnacondaAnacondaVersionenvspy_pc064_03_06_02
py_pc064_03_07_04        f:Installpc064AnacondaAnacondaVersionenvspy_pc064_03_07_04
py_pc064_03_08_08        f:Installpc064AnacondaAnacondaVersionenvspy_pc064_03_08_08
py_pc064_03_10_00        f:Installpc064AnacondaAnacondaVersionenvspy_pc064_03_10_00
py_pc064_03_10_06        f:Installpc064AnacondaAnacondaVersionenvspy_pc064_03_10_06

[prompt]> conda activate py_pc064_03_07_04

(py_pc064_03_07_04) [prompt]>
(py_pc064_03_07_04) [prompt]> python -c "import sys, typing;print("{:}n{:}nDone.n".format(sys.version, "OrderedDict" in dir(typing)"))
3.7.4 (default, Aug  9 2019, 18:34:13) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)]

There it is: Python 3.7.4 from Anaconda, whose typing module has OrderedDict.
The only logical conclusion (well, excluding a broken environment with an messed up typing version) one could draw is that you’re actually running Python < v3.7.2.
The fix is running Python >= v3.7.2.

Might want to also check:

Answered By: CristiFati