Cannot sink Windowed queried streaming data to MongoDB


Using Spark Structured Streaming I am trying to sink streaming data to a MongoDB collection. The issue is that I am querying my data using a window as following:

def basicAverage(df): 
  return df.groupby(window(col('timestamp'), "1 hour", "5 minutes"), col('stationcode')) 
  .agg(avg('mechanical').alias('avg_mechanical'), avg('ebike').alias('avg_ebike'),  avg('numdocksavailable').alias('avg_numdocksavailable'))

And it seems that mongodb integration cannot support a writeStream containing windowed data because when I run the script, my collection remains empty and no error shows up. I tried to delete the window option on my query and the sink worked like a charm.

Here is my sink method:

  .option("checkpointLocation", "./tmp/pyspark7/").option("forceDeleteTempCheckpointLocation", "true") 
  .option('spark.mongodb.connection.uri', 'mongodb://') 
  .option("spark.mongodb.database", 'velibprj').option("spark.mongodb.collection", 'stationsBasicAvg') 

Any thought on how to solve this issue ?

Thanks in advance

Asked By: NCoding



I solved the issue using foreach() sink method.

Answered By: NCoding