on raw reaction add throws an error: discord.py


I was working on an "self-reaction" script for my discord bot, so I was using on_reaction_add() and it worked fine, but I realized that as I restarted my bot, he couldn’t register the reactions on that first message, so I did some research and I figured out that I had to use on_raw_reaction_add() I tried it and I worked fine, but the last line of code threw an error:

async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload):
    if payload.user_id == Client.user.id:

    if str(payload.emoji) == " " and payload.channel_id == 1078702317386524170:
        guild =Client.get_guild(1075533700804530239)
        role = guild.get_role(1078715150363795417)
        await discord.User(payload.user_id).add_roles(role)

TypeError: BaseUser.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
Whole Error: here

Thanks! 🙂

Asked By: Tousend1000



The issue is that you’re trying to instantiate a discord.User yourself. You’ve already gotten the guild, let’s use get_member to get the user so we can add the role.

async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload):
    if payload.user_id == Client.user.id:

    if str(payload.emoji) == " " and payload.channel_id == 1078702317386524170:
        guild = Client.get_guild(1075533700804530239)
        role = guild.get_role(1078715150363795417)
        user = guild.get_member(payload.user_id)
        if not user:
            # incase they are not cached
            user = await guild.fetch_member(payload.user_id)
        await user.add_roles(role)
Answered By: ESloman
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