Switched from WSGI to ASGI for Django Channels and now CircleCI throws "corrupted double-linked list" even though tests pass


I’ve been working on a project which requires WebSockets. The platform is built with Django and was running the WSGI server gunicorn. We decided to implement WebSockets using Django Channels.

I set everything up including switching from gunicorn to the ASGI server daphne. Everything works great in local development environment. Deployment to AWS is working and everything works great on dev/staging. pytest works and all tests pass locally. On CircleCI all the tests are passing, but at the end of the "test" step we get the following and CircleCI shows a failed status:

================== 955 passed, 2 skipped in 216.09s (0:03:36) ==================
corrupted double-linked list
/bin/bash: line 2:   278 Aborted                 (core dumped) poetry run coverage run -m pytest $TESTFILES -vv --junitxml htmlcov/junit.xml

Exited with code exit status 134
CircleCI received exit code 134

There are no other errors, warnings, or unexpected output. I cannot replicate the issue outside of CircleCI.

I tried adding the @pytest.mark.asyncio decorator to the one async test we have and still got the above. Even when I totally remove said test CircleCI still throws the same. Google has not been helpful.

This same thing has also happened a couple of times during the "migrate" step of our CircleCI workflow. That step just runs poetry run python manage.py migrate so this is not exclusive to pytest.

Asked By: TWGerard



This turned out to be some kind of issue with our poetry.lock file. The solution was to check out the original pyproject.toml and poetry.lock files from master and then re-install the new dependencies on top of that.

Answered By: TWGerard