Redirect to a url in dash


I’m using dash to build a dashboard where I am creating a unique url whenever a particular data point is clicked, how can I redirect users to this created url?
I’m using the below given code where whenever someone click on any data points, click event will trigger and callback function executes.

app.layout = html.Div(children=[
               figure = plot()),
@app.callback(Output('dummy-div', 'childern'),
              Input('graph', 'clickData'))
def redirect_to_url(clickData):
    triggered_id = dash.callback_context.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0]
    if triggered_id=='graph' and clickData is not None:
       url = ''
       # need to develop to a method to redirect to this url
Asked By: Devendra Yadav



With a clienside callback, using window.location :

    function(data) {
      window.location = '';
    Output('dummy-div', 'children'),
    Input('example-graph', 'clickData'),

Nb. This option also allows to open the target page in a new tab, for this replace by window.location = url with :, '_blank');

Or, by adding a dcc.Location() component in the layout, you can then update its href property using a basic callback :

app.layout = html.Div(children=[
    dcc.Graph(id='example-graph', figure=plot()),

@app.callback(Output('location', 'href'),
              Input('example-graph', 'clickData'),
              prevent_initial_call=True) # <- prevent redirect on page load !
def redirect_to_url(clickData):
    # do something with clickData
    url = ''
    return url

A few things to note :

  • You don’t need to check the trigger id if you have only one Input() (ie. the condition if triggered_id=='graph' is not necessary)
  • Ensure your Input/Output ids match what you have in the layout (‘graph’ vs ‘example-graph’)
  • Redirecting the user "whenever a particular data point is clicked" implies the condition clickData is not None instead of clickData is None
Answered By: EricLavault

I believe you can use dcc.Location with this.
That would look like this:

@app.callback(Output('dummy-div', 'children'),
              Input('graph', 'clickData'))
def redirect_to_url(clickData):
    triggered_id = dash.callback_context.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0]
    if triggered_id=='graph' and clickData is None:
       url = ''
       # need to develop to a method to redirect to this url
       return dcc.Location(href=url)

(if you are already using a location in the layout you can change the output to that)

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