Expose specific metrics location for my custom collector of metrics


I’m writing custom k8s metrics collector for purpose of monitoring application’s versions in two various clusters. How to expose specific location for metrics like "/metrics" and collect metrics in infinity cycle?

That’s my custom metrics collector example:

import time
from prometheus_client import start_http_server
from prometheus_client.core import REGISTRY, CounterMetricFamily
from kubernetes import client, config, watch

class CustomCollector(object):
    def __init__(self):
    def collect(self):
        g = CounterMetricFamily("retail_pods_info", 'info about pods', labels=['secret','namespace','deployment_name','image','helm'])
        v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
        group = "argoproj.io"
        version = "v1alpha1"
        plural = "applications"
        #kind = "Application"
        namespace = "argo-cd"
        pod_list: client.V1PodList = v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False)
        pods: list[client.V1Pod] = pod_list.items
        metrics_list = []
        for pod in pods:
            metadata: client.V1ObjectMeta = pod.metadata
            spec: client.V1PodSpec = pod.spec
            volumes: list[client.V1Volume] = spec.volumes
            if volumes is not None:
                for volume in volumes:
                    if volume.projected:
                        projected: client.V1ProjectedVolumeSource = volume.projected
                        sources: list[client.V1VolumeProjection] = projected.sources
                        for source in sources:
                            if source.secret:
                                secret: client.V1SecretProjection = source.secret
                                s = secret.name + " " + metadata.namespace.lower() + " " + metadata.name.lower().rsplit('-',2)[0] + " " + pod.spec.containers[0].image
        api_client = client.ApiClient()
        argocd_api = client.CustomObjectsApi(api_client)
        argocd_apps = argocd_api.list_namespaced_custom_object(group, version, namespace, plural, watch=False)
        for metric in metrics_list:
            for app in argocd_apps["items"]:
                if metric[2] == app["metadata"]["name"]:
                    g.add_metric([metric[0], metric[1], metric[2], metric[3], metric[4]], 1)
                    yield g
        # for k in metrics_list:
        #     g.add_metric([k[0],k[1],k[2],k[3]], 1)
        #     yield g

if __name__ == '__main__':
    while True:
Asked By: Garamoff



Regarding endpoint /metrics:
Method start_http_server starts a server on the specified port, that responds to any query with metrics. So request to path /metrics will be responded to with generated metric by default.

Regarding "collect metrics in infinity cycle":
Your app is already doing it (kinda). Since you registered your custom collector every request will invoke the collect method. And since Prometheus while gathering metrics basically does it in an infinite cycle – your collector does it too.

Answered By: markalex